What Will Happen If I Add My Site Once Again?


Apr 9, 2007
Hi to all of you here. I rum a health related site and have a tradition - submit to DMOZ every year. :) Funny, but true. So I want to ask this simple question - do I have to add my site once again? Or what will happen if I do it once again? Will I go in the end of the all requests? I did a research of all I need and as far as I know The Editor of my category is Volunteer (nick name). I saw that in my category are site with poor content then mine.
So, please could anybody give a quick post - telling me what should I do, If there is an option to pay I will pay. But nothing.

Also I want to give the URL of the category, that am talking about:
There are 15 sites in this category. I will even add DMOZ in my footer, linking to it in order to show how important is this listing for me.:D

All the best and best wishes.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Or what will happen if I do it once again? Will I go in the end of the all requests?
If someone views suggestions by date, yes. But editors rarely review sites by date.

I did a research of all I need and as far as I know The Editor of my category is Volunteer (nick name).
That just means that there is no listed editor of the category. "Volunteer" is a link to a form for applying to become an editor; it isn't an editor name.

If there is an option to pay I will pay.
There is no pay option.

Also I want to give the URL of the category, that am talking about:
...is a heavily spammed category, as I'm sure you can imagine.

I will even add DMOZ in my footer, linking to it in order to show how important is this listing for me.
Linking is not required for a listing nor is it going to speed up the review of your site.


Apr 9, 2007
Thanks for the fast answer motsa. So I guess, I have to wait 'till my site is next in the list.

...is a heavily spammed category, as I'm sure you can imagine.

I know, by the way is there a category, which is not spammed?:) I think that every single one is full of spam. That is one of the reasons why the editing is such a slow process. I am sure about it.

That just means that there is no listed editor of the category. "Volunteer" is a link to a form for applying to become an editor; it isn't an editor name.

Sorry here are the editors of my category: dhigbee, gloria, nocturnal, pchere, randyescalada, shara, makrhod, blubutterfli, liloth, mjm

If someone views suggestions by date, yes. But editors rarely review sites by date.

What is the criteria of reviewing sites? If the date is not a case.

If you can not review it fast, could you tell me how many sites the editors review per day, just to start counting when will it be online. Or if it's rejected to submit it again. If the information is too secured then keep it for yourself.

But as far as I know there are 75,151 editors, and every single day the requests are let's say 1 000 000. Then 13 sites per editor a day to be reviewed. But I am not sure about the number of the added sites every day.

Sorry about all of these questions, but I need some clue of what's going on and what could I do to make it fast, having in mind that the waiting is on the other hand. Hope that you will understand me.:D

Best Regards.


Jan 23, 2003
Ok, since you asked, here are some clues:

1. There are about 7,000 +/- active editors (editors who have made at least one edit during the preceeding four months. The larger number is the total of indivduals who have contributed at one time or another as an editor.

2. Editors edit when the edit, and they edit as much as they edit. There is no production quota, and there are many, many important editing tasks that do not involve adding sites.

3. Reviewing submissions is but one task, and but one (albeit poor) way of identifying potential sites to add to the directory. There is no particular push to review suggested sites. Many new editors place a higher reliance on suggestions than do experienced eidtors who have better honed their site fining skills.

4. From our perspective, you have done all that you can do. Don't do anything else and if we list your site, we list your site. If we do not list your site, we do not list your site.

There is no magic mathematical formula you can apply that will let you calculate when the next editor will visit a given category (700,000+ categories, ~7,000 editors) nor what a given editor will do when and if they visit a given category. Try to guess when the next time a given hummingbird will visit a particular flower on a particular bush. Calculate with or without the neighborhood cat making periodic visits.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Sorry here are the editors of my category: dhigbee, gloria, nocturnal, pchere, randyescalada, shara, makrhod, blubutterfli, liloth, mjm
Those are just the editors listed at the top of Health (mine was there as well until not that long ago). Additionally, all Health cateditalls/catmods, editalls, and metas can edit in the category.

What is the criteria of reviewing sites? If the date is not a case.
Whatever order the editor wants: alphabetical, date, URL, completely random, etc.

Sorry about all of these questions, but I need some clue of what's going on and what could I do to make it fast, having in mind that the waiting is on the other hand.
There is nothing you can do to speed up the review of your site. If you've suggested it, that's all you can do.


Apr 9, 2007
Thanks once again, I will include all of this info in my webmaster forum, there are also webmasters, who have no clue what's wrong with this directory.

4. From our perspective, you have done all that you can do. Don't do anything else and if we list your site, we list your site. If we do not list your site, we do not list your site.

Ok, you are right, but if you reject my site and I want to have another chance for including the site, how do I suppose to know. It's kind of unfair, to be rejected and continue waiting to be added. :rolleyes:

Try to guess when the next time a given hummingbird will visit a particular flower on a particular bush. Calculate with or without the neighborhood cat making periodic visits.

If there are some digits I can go near to the number I am searching for, that is something, isn't it.

3. Reviewing submissions is but one task, and but one (albeit poor) way of identifying potential sites to add to the directory. There is no particular push to review suggested sites. Many new editors place a higher reliance on suggestions than do experienced eidtors who have better honed their site fining skills.

That's great and respect it. Also I could say with a hand on my heart that about 50% of the sites in my category are not better then mine. Poor info, no clue of what the visitor is about to get from it (what's there for him/her) and so on. There is site youngest then mine, but reviewed and accepted first. That's need an explanation, if you could give me. :) And it is not good - offering only one product in this market.

Thanks for your time.

All the best.

P.S: I don't think that contacting the editors with PM is gonna help at all, even it's a waste of time for me and them.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
but if you reject my site and I want to have another chance for including the site, how do I suppose to know
If you read our submission guidelines and maybe this section of our editor guidelines, you should be able to deduce for yourself whether or not your site is listable.

We don't decline to list a website for capricious reasons, we decline to list it because it doesn't provide sufficient unique content or because its business model is such that we don't want to list it anyway. Re-suggesting such a website isn't going to magically change it's value to the directory.

There are a few exceptions to this such as:-

- A very young niche directory might be inadequate now, but could have enough content to be listable a year or so later.

- A very young forum with only 20 posts, all by the site owner, isn't going to be listed. A year or so later, if it has a lot more content and a lot more members, it might be.

I stress that we don't care about the age of a website; we care about its content.


Nov 7, 2006
There is site youngest then mine, but reviewed and accepted first. That's need an explanation, if you could give me. And it is not good - offering only one product in this market.

Ok, here's the explanation. We're not a listing service. We build the Directory for web surfers who are looking for information.

No site has a right to be listed and not all site suggestions will be listed, we list sites at our total discretion.

There is no first in line criteria that editors have to follow in their editing. We can choose to review any site suggestion, at any time, or none at all. I, myself, never look at the date of submission because it has nothing to do with building a particular category for the web surfer.

We don't care about being fair to site owners, we only care about finding sites that will add value to the category (in our opinion).

Here is an example of how I work. I decide to edit in one of thousands of categories that are available to me. I may only have an hour or so available. I see 40 site suggestions in the category, and right away, I spot 3 site suggestions that have ODP compliant titles and descriptions.

The submitter has taken the time and trouble to read our Guidelines and follow them. I appreciate that and it makes less work for me, so those are the three site suggestions that I'm going to review first, regardless of what date they were submitted.

If they qualify, they get listed, if not, they get deleted. Then, I look at the other 37 suggestions, and I see that 20 of them have keyword stuffed titles or descriptions, so I ignore those completely. I see 7 other site suggestions that don't belong in that category at all, so I don't review them, I just send them to the correct categories where the editor over there can review them.

The other site suggestions have incorrect titles and descriptions, but, I can see the submitter tried to do it right, so I review those, write new titles and descriptions and list them, if they qualify.

End of editing session, it may be months before I edit there again. :)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I don't think that contacting the editors with PM is gonna help at all, even it's a waste of time for me and them.
I don't believe that anyone suggested that you do that. I think we'd all agree that PMing an editor to ask about your site is a waste of time for all involved.


Apr 9, 2007
Ok thanks. For all.

I don't believe that anyone suggested that you do that. I think we'd all agree that PMing an editor to ask about your site is a waste of time for all involved.

Does this signature look familiar? : Do not send private messages to editors requesting status checks.

That's why I was saying that. Clear, Ok. Cool.

and I see that 20 of them have keyword stuffed titles or descriptions

Well, I don't know what that means, but kind of: Keyword 1 | keyword 2 - Title and Description - ****** Keyword , keyword 2 ******* keyword 3. You have this, so you could skip that part. Not in the directory but the site is like this when you are on it. Just get around you. And how the visitors will know what is this site about?:confused:

Just to ask can I suggest site with no keywords Title and description, but stays as it is?

I am not saying anything but for more then 1 month there is no new site in my category, you will tell me that no one is qualified for this period of time - come on, people ;)

We don't care about being fair to site owners, we only care about finding sites that will add value to the category (in our opinion).

<Talking about http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Health/Reproduction_and_Sexuality/Penis_Enlargement/ > If that are the sites, which will add value, well I have seen much better, without searching. There is a text, links and some banner, is that you are calling a site. But he/she has qualified.

Thanks for your time once again, I will read the links provided by jimnoble carefully once again.

All the best to all of you Editors Team.
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