What'll happen if no Editor in that category?


Dec 21, 2005
I want to know, if there's no Editor in the category that I want to submit my website, what will happen?

Such as this category: Top: Business: Electronics and Electrical: Electromechanical: Switches. There's no Editor in this category, and the Last update time is 21:43 PT, Saturday, November 12, 2005. While I am going to submit website to ODP, I've surfed and found the similar questions existed in many categories, esp. the endest sub-categories. I think other guys will also concern about this similar question.

I have submit my site (http://www.adv-cn.com to this sub-category Top: Business: Electronics and Electrical: Electromechanical: Switches at Dec.27, 2005. But no news was received. I am wonder whether it's connected with this reason.
Can any Editor tell me? Thanks very much in advance!:)


Dec 21, 2005
Dear Pvgool,

Thanks for your kindly reply and sorry for my little knowledge about FAQ. I hope the Editors above my catagory can edit my submittion soonly.

Best Regards



Nov 18, 2005
then what will happen?

does anyone know my site was authorize,site address:(deleted...):)


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
big-melon said:
Two months past, but no one edited my website submittion yet!!!
There is more information in the FAQ -- please read it :)

There is nothing you can do to make a review happen quicker. Somebody might be reviewing it while I'm typing this. Or it can take three years before the site is reviewed. Quite possibly the URL will be reviewed and listed because an editor found it on his own without seeing your site suggestion. In either case, the best thing you can do is probably to forget about it altogether -- the review will happen when it happens and there is no way of knowing when that will be.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Just to answer two related but implied questions,

"What will happen if no editor does anything?" Um, like, nothing.

"What will happen if I deliberately make work for the editors by suggesting sites to obviously less-than-optimal categories?" Again, nothing much. The editor will clean up your attempted sabotage by removing the inappropriate suggestion; if it seems worthwhile, the editor will also preserve whatever help that suggestion might have been (if any, in his judgment) by moving the suggestion to a more appropriate category.

That will, of course, delay all other reviews for an average of a few seconds each. It will also delay that one submittal by an average of a few months (that is, it's likely to wait in the wrong place for an indefinite time before moving to the right place.) It can't speed up that one suggestion, since an editor working in one category is highly unlikely to list a site in another category -- it's a simple sanity check to look around a category before you list something there, and so it is far more efficient to focus on sites of one type in a particular editing session.


Dec 21, 2005
monayuki said:

You're right! I know all Editor are volunteer. I have no right to ask for more...

By the way, I've applied for a volunteer to that catalog, but was rejected. So I have no way, but wait....


Dec 21, 2005
nea said:
There is more information in the FAQ -- please read it :)

There is nothing you can do to make a review happen quicker. Somebody might be reviewing it while I'm typing this. Or it can take three years before the site is reviewed. Quite possibly the URL will be reviewed and listed because an editor found it on his own without seeing your site suggestion. In either case, the best thing you can do is probably to forget about it altogether -- the review will happen when it happens and there is no way of knowing when that will be.

You're so humor...

Maybe it'll take 3 years before the site is reviewed.

I've checked it a few minutes before.
The Last update: 21:43 PT, Saturday, November 12, 2005

And the catalog above it was Last updateed at : 6:45 PT, Monday, February 6, 2006. Category editor: kartiksan

I've read the FAQ that under such case, an Editor in above catagory may viewed or viewed by other guys. So could kartiksan view my submittion? It'll take just a few minutes. I think I've wrote the right descprition and in a suitable category, for I 've saw many websites whom have the same products with ours were listed in that catalog, that's Top: Business: Electronics and Electrical: Electromechanical: Switches (116). I'll appreciated all the things you will do.

Anyway, DMOZ is a good place. One of my friend is also an Editor, (in Chinese Zone) We all like it!


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
Posting here will have no effect on the time to get listed.

If we responded to your request, we would have to respond to everyone else's which is impossible.

When an editor has the time to edit in that category they will do so and your site will be reviewed.

remember our motto 'Submit and forget'



Nov 28, 2005
I think I've wrote the right descprition and in a suitable category, for I 've saw many websites whom have the same products with ours were listed in that catalog

Finding good restaurants to dine in Asia with the same products will take us Millenia to do it. The Product Taster is taking his time proving the Food is Great. He can't eat in 6 Restaurants in a day tasting 136 dishes. :eek:

Give him time to Savor the dish and make a decision. As Eric-the-Bun said Submit it and Forget.

Anyway, DMOZ is a good place.

Thank You

One of my friend is also an Editor, (in Chinese Zone) We all like it!
:confused: :icon_ques

Thanks again for liking it.
:) :) :)


Dec 21, 2005
monayuki said:
Finding good restaurants to dine in Asia with the same products will take us Millenia to do it. The Product Taster is taking his time proving the Food is Great. He can't eat in 6 Restaurants in a day tasting 136 dishes. :eek:

You're so humor.

Give him time to Savor the dish and make a decision. As Eric-the-Bun said Submit it and Forget.

Yes. Submit and forget it.

:confused: :icon_ques

Thanks again for liking it.
:) :) :)
I mean he is a Editor of one category, may be is ..Chinese Simply/电脑/博客/...
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