Whats the average time to get a site reviewed


Jul 22, 2006
Dear DMOZ,
I submitted my site nearly four months ago and as yet is unlisted in the Directory. Please could you advise if length of time is normal, or if I have longer to wait, or if indeed my site has been considered and rejected. Should I expect to receive confirmation either way.
Many thanks in advance


Jul 22, 2006
Thank you Windharp,

I guess three months is not much time then and I could have a quite a few more months to wait.

I have noticed on my site Stats that my site has received a visit from DMOZ, but as yet it is not listed. If I wont be receiving emails, can you please advise me if that means my site has been rejected?

Also, could you advise the easiest way to find a site in the DMOZ directory? I have noted that if I type a URL for a site in the directory, it doesnt necessarily find it.

Many thanks


May 9, 2006
Pete917 said:
I have noticed on my site Stats that my site has received a visit from DMOZ, but as yet it is not listed. If I wont be receiving emails, can you please advise me if that means my site has been rejected?

I thought you might want to know they do not give out submission stats any more. There is an article on this site about it. http://resource-zone.com/forum/announcement.php?f=10

Pete917 said:
Also, could you advise the easiest way to find a site in the DMOZ directory? I have noted that if I type a URL for a site in the directory, it doesnt necessarily find it.

How to suggest a site to the Open Directory page said:

Step Two
Do a quick search in the directory at dmoz.org (the home of the Open Directory) to be sure your site isn't already listed. This saves everyone time.


Try typing the name of the site in with out the http, www and slashes

Pete917 said:
I have noticed on my site Stats that my site has received a visit from DMOZ,

What was the referral tag or bot tag in the log that showed you they came by. I was interested for my self as I only know about Robzilla and did not know about any other identifying tags out there for the ODP


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Three months is not unusual. Six months is not unusual. Three months and one day is not rare. Three years is not unknown.

There is no meaningful distribution of times. "What's the average length of time it takes to win the lottery? -- I've lost thirteen years straight, I'm due for a jackpot .... NOT!"

In addition to college coursework, I recently proofread much of Venn's book on Statistics. With that theoretical framework very much in mind, I argue that (if Venn is correct) "average" is simply not, in any possible way, form, or fashion, meaningful in this context. Consider this: so long as there is one site that has been suggested but not added, the average is "infinity" by the usual rules of arithmetic. You could theoretically calculate the average time between last suggestion and first listing -- it would be several months. You could theoretically calculate the average time a still-waiting suggestion has been waiting -- and it will certainly be LONGER!

That alone should tell you that you can't tell anything at all from the amount of time a suggestion has been waiting. But the details of the math would get over my head pretty quickly, and I have a degree in the stuff. You are best off thinking of it as a lottery. From the outside (and from the inside) it is for all practical purposes will appear to be as random as a lottery run by a varying selection of various variously-slightly-weighted dice.

>I have noticed on my site Stats that my site has received a visit from DMOZ.

And ... I received a "you may have already won" letter from Clearing House Central. Don't read too much into it. (How much is too much? Read up on your theory of infinitesimals...Dedekind cuts, another fascinating PG project.)


May 9, 2006
I really think odds are better with a scratch off lottery ticket for a buck then an OPD listing.

You have better odds of a OPD listing then wining a state lottery.

If you get an OPD listing spend the 5 bucks and go buy a state lottery ticket you may win that too, as well because I feel it is just luck of the draw.

If you get you listing go silently with the smile on your face, don't flaunt it just be happy that you were one of the lucky ones who were blessed enough to get one.

I submitted over 11 months ago and still did not get listed, so if you get a listing be happy some have waited longer and never gotten a listing or have gotten banned for spamming the OPD.

Hutcheson go buy a scratch off or write another web site and submit it to the OPD either way the odds are pretty good.


Jul 26, 2006

The original question posed by Pete917 was... "I have noticed on my site Stats that my site has received a visit from DMOZ"

He probably means that he's noticed something like "http://editors.dmoz.org/editors/editunrev.cgi?......location of original submission, etc" in his stats log.

All he is asking is does this mean something relevant to his submission? Is something going to happen soon about his submission? Or does it mean that editors have got the time to visit sites that have been submitted and then do nothing about it?


Curlie Meta
Aug 19, 2003
An referer from dmoz.org in a site log doesn´t really mean anything regarding the submission. It doesn´t even have to be an human editor that left the referer.

The original question was about the normal length of time from submission to inclusion and that question doesn´t have a meaningful answer (anything from seconds to years).

Or does it mean that editors have got the time to visit sites that have been submitted and then do nothing about it?
Of course editors have time to visit submitted (and non-submitted) sites, they are not assigned to any time-limits whatsoever, this is a volunteer task you know. ;)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> All he is asking is does this mean something relevant to his submission?
We don't know. But to be on the safe site, no it does not.

> Is something going to happen soon about his submission?
We don't know. DMOZ editors don't have abilities to look into the future. :D

> Or does it mean that editors have got the time to visit sites that have been submitted and then do nothing about it?
A reference from dmoz in the logs can mean many things.
- an editor reviewed the site
- an editor just quickly checked the suggested sites and filtered out those that are clearly not listable
- one of the semi-automated tools was used by an editor to check if suggested sites were still alive, were suggested more than once, were redirects, etc.
- an editor started the review proces but one of his/her children/pets needed attention and te review proces was never ended
- as I don't know what all other editors were and will be doing there are possibly many more reasons
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