When a site is rejected


Oct 15, 2008
Hi! :) I was wondering if there is some sort of communication if a suggested site is rejected. I mean I understand that suggestions are just one means to build your directory and that there is no way to speed up the proccess and get an editor to review your site and that i may have to wait years and I'm fine with that. I'll wait for however long it will take so long as i know that there is an eventual decision and i will be notified of the outcome. It would really stink if I'm sitting here for years waiting, hoping, only to be left in the dark and never know that they already reviewed my site and they decided NO.


Apr 5, 2004
I understand that suggestions are just one means to build your directory and that there is no way to speed up the proccess and get an editor to review your site and that i may have to wait years and I'm fine with that.
Thank you! We certainly appreciate your taking the time to understand what the ODP is about, and what volunteer editors do. :)

However, it seems you might have missed one important point:
I'll wait for however long it will take so long as i know that there is an eventual decision and i will be notified of the outcome.
There is no such notification system, for several reasons. Some of them are listed in this forum's FAQ:
"... why don't you provide an automatic status reporting system for URL listing suggestions?"
We see no benefit to the directory and several downsides:
  • We have very limited programming resources and we prefer to focus them on improving the directory itself and the tools that our editors use.
  • We have finite server capacity. This would be adversely affected by automated status enquiries from anxious site owners.
  • Some areas of the directory suffer from a deluge of websites that don't satisfy our listing requirements. An automated status reporting system would make the resubmittal of declined websites more efficient. This is hardly constructive.
Other reasons are given in the Announcement at the top of this forum.
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