When are submissions considered spam?



When are site submissions assumed to be spam?

I have a personal site at http://www.nikhilkhade.com currently containing primary articles on men & women relationships as well as on photography and jobs. When I do submit my site to the various categories for example Society/People/Women/ for http://www.nikhilkhade.com/women/ as well as Arts/Photography/Techniques_and_Styles/ for http://www.nikhilkhade.com/articles/photography/, are the submissions valid?

I am planning to add lot more content on my site and then submit the listings under appropriate categories as and when they are completed. Is that ok?

Also, if my site is listed in the directory is it crawled regularly or do I have to keep submitting it to the appropriate categories whenever I make modifications in the site contents?


Aug 2, 2002
>> if my site is listed in the directory is it crawled regularly or do I have to keep submitting it to the appropriate categories whenever I make modifications in the site contents? <<

The ODP is a directory, not a search engine, so there is no crawler. Once your site is listed, there is no need to re-submit it. If the site's contents change to the point where the description is no longer correct, you can submit an update by clicking on the "Update URL" button at the top right of the category page.

>> When are site submissions assumed to be spam? <<

When you start submitting every page of your site to various different categories, like you have said you are doing in your other thread, http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=24377.


Thanks for your help.

I wouldnt dare to submit my site to the directory at least for a couple of months now. I'll wait and watch. I surely wouldnt want it to be considered as spam (if it hasnt been considered as one already!). <img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" />
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