When is the right time? Regional - Norwegian language


May 10, 2004
When is the right time? Regional - Norwegian language

To avoid misunderstanding, and to save time for any editor - let my put up my question here before I eventually proceed. I am in process of translating our travel site for Egypt
from its original language, English, to Norwegian
- and the question is when I reach a level where I can submit this Norwegian translated site (with its own .no url) to DMOZ.

The "problem" is that it's not a standard travel site as it don’t include itineraries at all, but rather information about the destination in form of articles, photo serials, maps (down to architectural plans of temples) and more - all own work under a Creative Commons License.

Reason I mention this is that it all in all comes up to some 300 plus pages that are rather stuffed. Last article translated was nearly 1400 words on one page - and the whole article serial that one belongs to have a total of five pages with each about the same length.

So with that in mind, about half of all pages are today translated. That is the main section of the pages; all link tables on both sides and such are translated on all pages. Still rather quite a lot of work ahead. What makes that even more "hard" is that I always add new articles to the English site, so the amount in need of translation for the Norwegian site is growing as well.

Still, what is already translated is at least between the largest information source for Egypt in Norwegian - if not the largest place already. Of course no software "translation", in fact it's more than a translation as the English text is rewritten in a way so it's customized to Norwegian readers. New parts are translated nearly on a daily basis - but with a large content on most pages, this does take time.

End question is as mentioned before; would this already be enough material to submit www.mywaytravel.no to the regional section for Norway (Norwegian language sites)?
- or when would "right time for submitting?

Advice here would be highly appreciated.


Jan 23, 2003
It is safe to submit when it has sufficient unique Norwegian language content to stand on its own merits.

Do not submit with the .no, rather, submit the main URL and make sure that the site navigation takes the user to the correct lanugage.


The right time to suggest http://www.mywaytravel.no ? Not ever. (We prefer to list the same url in every listing - see guidelines below)

The right time to suggest http://www.egyptmyway.com to http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Norway/Travel_and_Tourism/Travel_Services/Travel_Agents/ ? (Regional, English language) If you have a physical office, now. I cannot see the Locality of Norheimsund existing yet, so thats probably the best place.

The right time to suggest http://www.egyptmyway.com to http://dmoz.org/World/Norsk/Regionalt/Afrika/Reiseliv_og_turisme/ (Norwegian, Regional) ? When the site is self sustaining in Norwegian. All the English content does not need to be translated, but what is translated must make sense, be navigable in Norwegian, and be sufficient to exist as a site if there was no English version.

Here are the Travel and Multi-ligual listing guidelines:



May 10, 2004
Regional reasons

Thanks spectregunner and gimmster, and to last - yes we absolutely have a physical office, for more than a year now:

The official Norwegian organization registration number for the company and the physical office is 987180633, and more official it's not possible to get in Norway (-:

This registration is in the Brønnøysund Register Centre which is a government body under the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry. That is the reason why the Norwegian site got its own url, so allow me to explain this in a few words.

In Norway you are NOT allowed to use the ".no" extension if you are not a registered company under the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry. The ".com", ".org" and so forth anyone can use - but the ".no" is ONLY for registered business companies or registered organizations.

So if we for the Norwegian language part - which obvious is for Norwegians, have this part as a ".com" site, we are NOT considered serious by potential clients. Any serious company in Norway SHOULD have their internet presence as a ".no" site - and here we have to respect the Norwegian users if we want them as clients.

In other words, this is not done for any SEO scam reasons, but for reasons explained above. So www.egyptmyway.com is a solely a english site, while www.mywaytravel.no solely a Norwegian language site. So would a regional language site which this way follows the standard procedures of the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry then become a "not ever" site for DMOZ?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
In the case you describe, we'd rather list the .NO URL in both Norwegian and English categories. We don't care what you do with the .COM URL -- if it, say, redirects to a .NO subdomain, that would be fine with us.

But we really really really prefer to keep all of a company's websites under one URL -- because there are plenty of spammers that DO create and promote multiple doorway domains to sabotage the various search engines and directory results.
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