When my site will be in DMOZ?


Mar 4, 2006
Hello to all Editors.
And forgive me for this kind of question, but I need to ask it. I was try to registered my site <deleted> about 3 times in the last year. And in this year - one time to category <category deleted>. I know, that this category don't have editor, and I register one time to one up click form it, to <category deleted>. Maybe somebody can do something or tell about it to editor. P.S. Several sites from this category don't working and some sites have a not very good quality...
With Kind Regards
Aleksandr Tkachev


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There is no reason to suppose that your site will ever be in the ODP -- it says so right in the submittal policy that "no site is guaranteed a listing."

Since that is true, there's no point on speculating when something that might never happen might happen.

Check out our forum policies first, and see how many of them you violated. Then check out the ODP submittal policies, and see how many of THEM you violated. Then read our FAQ, and see how much of what you say you know simply isn't so.

Then, if there are any questions left, the forum is available.
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