when the category is right but might look wrong?



I'm waiting to find out if a site http://www.propertyinvestor.info/ will be accepted into http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/New_Zealand/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/

It's in the queue and that's cool.

However I thought I'd volunteer to be an editor for one of the more local groups (rather than national) and was rejected on the basis that Real Estate has strict rules etc and to try my hand at a more relaxed group to get experience at editing. Ok, no problem there.

However, the site I've submitted isn't about selling real estate but is based around software, books & mentoring for people who invest in property. It's not financial services because there's nothing about the stockmarket or insurance. People who look for us would go to real estate.

* how do I find out what the rules and regulations are for real estate?
* if I'm rejected for that category do I get put into another category straight away or do I have to resubmit and wait...?


Mar 25, 2002
If you look in the Editing Guidelines category you will see the Real Estate Guidelines about halfway down the page. It's not that there are strict rules and regulations, it's just that the real estate categories tend to be spam magnets. Real estate agents are tricky little devils when it comes to submitting their web sites :) Real estate categories really are best left to editors with a bit of ODP editing experience.


Create the following standard subcategories when you have gathered enough sites to warrant their
creation. The categories one may create under a Real Estate category are limited to the following.


thanks for the reply. This makes me think that we will get in to this category, and eventually get moved to education (because that's where we'd really like to be) when a few more of the companies in our bracket get involved.

As we don't (and won't) sell property I was a bit concerned before. You've put my mind at rest.

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