When theres no editor..


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you're looking for statistics, the vast majority of listings (I'd say more than 90% of them) are added by someone other than the editor(s) listed on that category.

Of course, if you're looking at statistics, more than 90% of site suggestions are of sites that won't be listed because they are not eligible for a listing--and yet, millions of sites HAVE been listed.

Because all statistics about human behavior are after-the-fact. If the average IQ of Elbonians is higher than Slobbovians, moving from Elbonia to Slobbovia won't make someone dumber or smarter, it will merely make a tiny change in the average IQ of both provinces.

And suggesting an inappropriate site to a category with high suggestion acceptance rate, will simply lower the acceptance rate for that category. Suggesting it 10 times won't suddenly make it listable, either!

In other words, don't think of suggesting to the ODP like you would sending out Viagra spam: figuring 1% response rate, and sending 100 emails to every person on the planet. Or, at least, don't let ODP editors think you're thinking that way. You'll get a reputation, and reputations, unlike statistics, DO affect human behavior.
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