When to Resubmit?


Mar 28, 2004
How long should there be between submitting a website? For example, I submitted my site March 2004. If I am not listed by March 2005 should I assume I was declined and resubmit? Yes, I do post in the site submission status forum and am aware my site is awaiting review. I just want to know the length of time DMOZ needs between resubmissions. :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>If I am not listed by March 2005 should I assume I was declined and resubmit?

No, that would be an invalid assumption, as you can assure yourself reading some of the other posts in in the submission status forum.

>I just want to know the length of time DMOZ needs between resubmissions.

OK, there are a couple of points here. (1) If you have not been rejected, there is absolutely no point in resubmitting--because (from our point of view) the point of a submittal has already been achieved; and (2) If you have been rejected, there is almost certainly no point in resubmitting, because (from your point of view) the point of a submittal can't be achieved. That pretty well covers the possibilities.

If an editor tells you to resubmit (actually, asks: you're never obligated to help us in any way, which is what submittals are for), then there is a reasonable possibility (not certainty; not necessarily even a probability) that a mistake has been made. In that case, a submittal might be to the benefit of both the directory and the site.

Mistakes do happen -- about 1% of the time, I'd estimate (this also you can check for yourself by reading a few hundred of the threads in the submittal status forum) and in those cases a submittal is worth doing. (And that's probably the only good reason for keeping the submittal status forum open: we find out about a few mistakes that way.) But otherwise? No point in ever resubmitting.
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