Where has my site gone???


Nov 13, 2006
I have been trying to get my site listed for months now <url removed> but still have had no sucess, I enter another site over a year ago but still nothing. it's it possible to find out what happened to my site and will it every be accepted into the directory???


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Hi thunderman,

Please read the FAQ, which will (hopefully) answer your questions. If you still have questions after reading it, feel free to come back and ask them, but please remember that we don't answer questions about specific sites here. Thanks! {moz}


Nov 13, 2006
it seems to me that you are pretty stuffed if you cannot find out any info regarding site submissions.

Can i find out if someone is editing the category that i want to enter into???. How does the editing system work if you are an editor. Or are editors only allowed to edit one category??


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Can i find out if someone is editing the category that i want to enter into???.
You can see if someone is listed as an editor in the category by looking at the bottom of the page. Other than any editors listed in a category, all editors of its parent categories and all editall+ editors can editor there. So, a couple of hundred people could conceivably edit in any given category. But still, knowing who can edit in a category doesn't tell if and when they will decide to edit there in the future.

How does the editing system work if you are an editor. Or are editors only allowed to edit one category??
Editors start out in one category but then can move on to others as they gain experience.


Nov 13, 2006
So the bottom line is you can't find out any information regarding site submissions!!! I does make all of this very frustrating!!!..

Will i ever know if my site has been rejected??. because it would be nice to know if there is some end to all this.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
These forums no longer provide that information. If a site is listable according to the guidelines it will eventually be listed. If a site is rejected there is no notification to the suggestor or site owner (which often is not the same person) but that information even when it was available from these forums, was relatively useless.


Nov 7, 2006
How does the editing system work if you are an editor. Or are editors only allowed to edit one category??

Good morning, thunderman, good questions, :) . Here is my view, as an editor, others may disagree and correct me, ;) .

All editors start out with a small category while they learn the ropes. We police ourselves, so as an editor shows that they can follow the editing Guidelines, demonstrates honesty and impartiality in their editing, and gain experience, they may or may not be granted wider/higher editing permissions in other catagories (if they request them).

Most of us have requested and been denied further editing permissions, at one time or another, because we just weren't ready yet. Once we follow the advice given, and demonstrate that we understand and can do the work properly, meta editors are more than happy to grant our requests for added permissions.

Meta editors start out the same way we all do, and have a vast amount of experience across a wide range of topics. Any one of us can become a meta editor if we're willing to do the amount of work that's involved to become one. ;)

An editors status in the ODP is only limited by their own desires and willingness to work.

Most of us decide on our own where we want to edit, how much we want to edit, and exactly what we want to edit, and we set our own goals to achieve that.

It is a worldwide community family of volunteers who are willing to work for free for the benefit of all. Our only reward is the self satisfaction of doing a good job in our editing areas, and being a part of something we think is worth while, no other reason. :)

In my own personal opinion, and not that of anyone else.

We are not haughty, and the public is not our enemy, just the opposite, but, because there is so much competition on the Internet and so many self serving individuals who try to get an unfair advantage by working the system,
we have to take certain measures, and have certain rules, to make the playing field level for all sites, whether you're a mom & pop site or a professional webmaster.

Each site suggestion is evaluated on its own merits, as an editor is available to review it, but, there is no right to be listed, and no guarantees that it will be listed.

Our goal isn't to be all inclusive, but, to build a quality directory of good sites. If that were not the case, we wouldn't need humans to make the decisions, an automated machine could do it, :) .


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Thunderman, think about it from an editor's point of view. What would we care whether a suggestion has been processed or not? We don't process suggestions, we review sites.

Once we're looking at a site, deciding whether to review it -- THEN it may matter whether or not it has been suggested and reviewed before. But if we're NOT actually looking at the site, then it DOESN'T matter whether it has been looked at before.

Therefore the database support for the question YOU asked (tracking suggestions) simply isn't there. It's not needed for our work.

For that matter, it's not needed for your work either.

And, understandably, our technicians focus on things that will help us work (which, at the moment, would be getting our new server going.)
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