Where is the editor?


May 12, 2009
Just curious - I was reading the FAQ's about when sites are accepted for admission to DMOZ.

One thing I picked up on was that it could take anywhere from 2 seconds to 2 years. This is an all volunteer site. So I started thinking...maybe I'd volunteer - maybe the category I'm interested in doesn't have enough editors? Except that I suppose if I volunteered it would be a conflict of interest - since I'm also hoping to get my site listed sooner rather than later. Admittedly my motive to become editor is to ensure that my site submission is looked at between 2 seconds and 2 months (and not 2 years). So having admitted that I'm not the right candidate...:) how do I know how many editors are assigned to a specific category? So I can have some kind of understanding when my submission would be looked at? Understand I'm not trying to pester someone to look at my site submission - I just hate 'not knowing'. If I knew for sure - it'd be 1 day or 1 month or 1 year - then I can move onto other issues and check back at the appropriate time, rather than come in here every day and check and check and check...


Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
While there may not be an editor name listed in the category in which you are interested, there are a large number of editors who can edit anywhere within the directory.

It is quite acceptable to apply to be an editor for a category which could include your own website. As long as you are able to review and to search for other sites that could be placed into the category in a fair and unbiased way, you are welcome to apply.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No editors are ever assigned to categories.

Hundreds of editors have permissions to work in any category.

Nobody knows, ahead of time, which category any of them will work in.

It is possible for an editor to focus on a few categories--but with a few thousand editors and a few hundred thousand categories, that must be a comparatively rare phenomenon.

All large-scale collaborative projects are like this: you don't ever know exactly WHAT will get done. You do know that a lot will get done--much more than could have ever gotten done in a system small enough for one person to have perfect knowledge or control of exactly what does get done. And you know that you yourself can contribute, to the absolute limit of your own willingness and ability, without worrying about who else has to be informed first.

And, if you're interested in seeing great things done, or if you're interested in contributing efficiently to good things, then the trade-off is well worth it.


May 12, 2009
So I thought about what you said - I'm always looking for a good cause that has altruistic goals - and decided to apply as an editor. I filled out the form and sent it in. I was denied. I had openly confessed in my application that my original motive was to get my listing going but that I also am interested in bettering the information we receive through the Internet. Of course, my feelings were hurt and I deleted the denial email assuming I was denied because I admitted I wanted to get my listing in. I've been thinking about it and think that maybe I was denied because I wasn't verbose enough? I put as little information down as possible because I didn't want to trip over my big feet. I truly think I'd make a good editor - because above all - I desire clean, efficient, and truthful information (I also hate poor spelling on the Internet - it makes it hard to search for information...:)).
Now...how do I get in touch with someone to ask for a reconsideration?


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Jun 9, 2010
[Right here]
how do I get in touch with someone to ask for a reconsideration?

Just re-apply. Pick a category you are interested in and submit a complete editor application. Unless you were specifically told not to apply again in your previous denial notice, you are welcome to try again. :)


May 27, 2009
Just saw this in the category I am interested in (listing my site that is), "Volunteer to edit this category". Does this mean the category is short staffed or that no particular person concentrates on this category?

I ask because the thread seems to indicate that most of the editors are not assigned to a specific category, so in this case would the person that clicks on the "Volunteer to edit this category." be linked to this category or would they become a "general" editor?


Apr 5, 2004
New editor applications ask you to choose a category of interest with up to about 80-100 sites, so if you are accepted, that is the only place you can edit.
As people gain experience and learn to apply the editing guidelines reliably, they are encouraged to apply to edit in other categories if they wish.

In this way editors can gradually gain permission to edit in large areas of the directory, and there are a couple of hundred who have permission to edit in any category they feel like.

So in other words, nobody is ever "assigned" to a category, but wide permissions reflect a certain level of experience and proven quality of work, and in the early stages an editor is restricted to the specific categories he applies for.


May 28, 2009
Conflict of interests

I have the same issues about conflict of interests regarding looking after editing sites that are in my business category.

However, this is where my knowledge, experience and expertise lies, so it makes sense to be an editor for a category you are familiar with.

I am not looking to make any financial gain.

Looking forward to my application to become an editor being approved soon :)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
There is a difference between having interest in a subject (category) and a conflict of interest. There is nothing wrong with an editor owning a site that would be listable in a category he has access to. He can even list such a site. But he should never give his own site any preference over other sites. That would be unacceptable. Just review and list your own site just as you do any other site and you are fine.
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