where to submit?


Sep 2, 2004

First of all I'd like to thank you guys, for running dmoz and especially for helping frustrated people like me on this forum.

I have few questions about site submission and where to submit a site.

About a site:
The website is called Flower Servant (www.flowerServant.com). It's a service that sends instructions for plant care via e-mail and SMS messages and it works worldwide. The service is payable, but there is also free subscription.
Beside this main functionality, there is a huge plant catalogue with pictures and descriptions and question & answer section that are completely free.

About submission:
First, I submitted a site more than 2 years ago. I think I submitted it to /Home/Gardens/Plants/House_Plants/ and nothing happened for quite a long time. I thought: "well I submitted it to wrong place", so I submitted it to some other categories (there was at least 2-3 months between submissions, at least I think so cause I never made any notes about that). Those new categories were (I think and I hope so):
I'm 99% sure I did not submit it more that 5 or 6 times altogether.
I'm telling you this because I checked the status of submission few days ago and they said I submitted it two dozen times all over the Directory!!! That was not me!

And now the questions:

What is the appropriate category for my site?
There is a lot of free info on plants and even free subscription for service (that points to /Home/Gardens/Plants/House_Plants/). But there is also payable subscription that points to Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Plants/House_Plants/ or maybe /Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Home_and_Garden/.
Note that we are not selling plants we are selling service!

Is there a way to completely remove all submissions up to now and submit it to the 'right category' again?
The guy at status report said the site is now listed under /Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Home_and_Garden/Lawn_and_Garden/ , but this site is not about lawn or garden. It's about house plants, indoor plants and service for those plants.

And the last question: What can I do???

I don't want to praise my site, but the service it offers is unique, we spent more than 5 years in development and it received two awards for innovation in two different countries (Slovenia, Croatia).

I know, this post is long, but I tried to explain as much as possible for those who will find few minutes and help me.

Please point me to the right direction!
Thanks in advance,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you're selling something, it goes somewhere in Shopping. Given a site, editors will track down the right place for it -- we do that for everyone, so we don't have to do it in the forum.

No, there's no way to track down and destroy all the wrong submittals. If you can affirm it's been more than a month since you last submitted, we'll check on the site status in the categories you remember.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.