where would I fit in?

Aug 25, 2005
I have a site that publishes articles concerning self defense and personal preparedness, and includes an online forum. my company provides training in the field of self defense and sells equipment. I truly believe that my site provides a service in the way of answering specifc questions a beginning shooter would ask.

As most of my classes are region specific i.e. Tennessee I am wondering what is the best place to list either regionally or in recreation/guns?

Maybe its a moot point as I suggested my site last year, and last month resubmitted it. I will admit, however, that I broke one major rule, I didn't read the instructions completely so I don't really know what catagory I submitted to.

I don't want to spam, but its driving me nuts thinking that I submitted to the wrong category an so will never be listed...

Can I delete my submission and resubmit in the best possible category, or am I stuck in limbo forever?

by the way, my site is www.shepherdschool.com

Thank you


RZ Admin
Mar 1, 2002
Planet Earth
You won't get banned by submitting the site once to the wrong category, but it will definitely slow down the review process.

You can't delete your previous submission, but you can resubmit it to what you believe is the best category. It is possible that a site can be listed twice; once in a Regional area, and also in a topical area. I didn't look closely at your site but it does definitely fit in Regional since you have local classes. You should submit it to whatever locality the school is in, which appears to be Gallatin. :)
Aug 25, 2005
Thanks for the look

I do do this as a business, but its a side job, that I do because I really believe in it... I try really hard not to be to commercial (even if its a corporation) so I like to think I have really great content.

Does anyone have any suggestions I can try to help both get me listed, and to draw more traffic to my site. I am really scared of trying to resubmit, because I did mess it up more than once, and the editors seem really serious about not messing up at all, and not submitting more than once.


Jan 23, 2003
Go ahead and resubmit. Over the last 9 or 10 million submissions, we have gotten pretty good at separating the malicious resubmissions from the confusion-based ones. You have nothing to fear, and you can always reference this tread in the description area.
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