Which category is best for http://www.blueangler.com


Jan 9, 2005

I have already submitted my site: http://www.blueangler.com to the category Shopping: Recreation: Outdoors: Fishing ( http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Recreation/Outdoors/Fishing/ ) just short of a month ago, and am now wondering if this is the best category for the site. Your opinions and assistance in this regard would be greatly valued.

Blueangler is a New Zealand based company that is essentially an online only retailer of all types of fishing tackle and equipment. We anticipate that the majority of our business will originate in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific regions, but we may well do some business internationally. While retail is our main focus, we also have a Fishing Forum which we are hoping will become a useful resource for fisherman in this part of the world. There is no regional category covering only Australia New Zealand and the South Pacific for shopping, and this is why I chose the above category.

So my question basically is should we be listed in multiple categories like:

1. http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Recreation/Outdoors/Fishing/ (Already submitted site to this category)
2. http://dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/New_Zealand/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Outdoor_Equipment/
3. http://dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/Australia/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/

Or should we only be listed only in point 1 above, or only in point 2 above?

Please help as I am new at all this and am struggling to find the right category.

I would rather ask questions now than waste your precious time later down the track to change or move my sites listing.

Edit: Thought I should include a link to the status update request I made earlier today so as to not cause any confusion with multiple threads about my website:

Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Sorry for the long message :)
Kind Regards.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Just go ahead and submit to one category in Regional/New Zealand. The editor will find the right category for it.

We provide this service for all sites, even those that haven't been submitted. We have very efficient tools for it over at dmoz.org; we don't need a forum for that.


Jan 9, 2005
Thanks very much for the help and quick responses :)

Much appreciated.

Kind Regards.


Apr 15, 2003
If you have time - take a read of the shopping FAQ - http://dmoz.org/Shopping/faq

My unofficial [ 5 second review] view is that you seem to ship worldwide - so you should get a listing Shopping --- in Regional, however, as you say you do not have a retail store - so it's going to be up to the editor.

Meanwhile - I have to go tie some Walleye harnesses :) :p


Jan 9, 2005

Thanks bobrat. Very informative link. (For anyone else trying to get to the FAQ link supplied by bobrat, the full URL is http://dmoz.org/Shopping/faq.html ) It took me a while to figure out why I couldn't get there :eek: Sorry its been a long day :)

I have submitted to the category suggested by dogbows and wait to see what the editor's decision is.

Thanks again all.

Kind Regards.


Apr 8, 2004
Duwane, I have to say that in spite of the inappropiate link that bobrat provided , he did in fact give you a better answer. The truth of the matter is that we do not review sites because of the questions asked in this forum. And the likelihood of any editor answering the questions would actually be the one who did review the site is practically nil. I apologize if I misled you. I only looked at your site long enough to see that you had a physical address, but did not read the fact that you do not have a store. Only time will tell what the actual reviewing editor will determine.

The good news is that either way no harm is done by your submissions. A submission to a Topical part of the directory and a submission to a Regional part of the directory will not have any adverse affect even if the site is deemed not listable in one or the other.

And I would also like to thank you for submitting to the actual category that I suggested. So many times a submitter will ask the question, but ignore the answer, and try to find a better place. And usually what they think is the better place will be totally inappropiate. I do know that should your site be determined to be listable in Regional then that would be the correct category.

I wish you well with your submissions.


Jan 9, 2005
And I would also like to thank you for submitting to the actual category that I suggested. So many times a submitter will ask the question, but ignore the answer, and try to find a better place.
Thanks dogbows but after all, that was the reason for me posting the question ;) Perhaps the other submitters don't actually want to know the answer :confused:

bobrat it was my pleasure. I am just embarrassed that it took me so long to spot the problem, and also that I didn't find that FAQ before posting my question, but in my defence I never found a link to it anywhere else except when actually displaying the shopping category :eek:

Have a great year, and thanks again.

Kind regards.
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