Which Category to submit to - my 11 Weeks 'o Woe



Hiya whoever.
Im lost on where to submit my site to, read my home page and you will get the drift, my site could go into a few places as it suits a couple of purposes and if you are a SWF well head into the date me section (My main purpose)
Thanks so much in advance.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Which Category to submit to - my 11 Weeks 'o

There's a chance your Delphi forum could get listed (as http://forums.delphiforums.com/1stloveonline ) under http://dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Dating/Chats_and_Forums/ or someplace similar (note: I didn't actually look in on it so can't judge how much content might be there) but the main site wouldn't be listed as it is. The primary content is your directory of sites and most, if not all of those link are affiliate links, which don't count as unique content from an ODP point of view.

[nice pic on the "date me?" page, BTW <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />]


Re: Which Category to submit to - my 11 Weeks 'o

Oh Right, thanks kitty, an intellegent, helpful lass that does good for the Internet, you are not single are ya ?(joking).....sorta........
*thinks* ....... ok people
so of 22+ pages on my site 2.5 (10% ish) are affilialte link pages,
What if i dropped 1 of my main affiliate link pages (as they are all the same links just from different angles) and dropped 60% of my affiliates (60% are them are useless really and have very few irish members) and add pages linking to places like "the samaritans, love poetry, offline dating sites, and irish dating site links that are not affiliate (the meanies), etc.
what would my chances be then?

as slim as my chances of finding love?


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