Which category?


I've just found your forum and think that it's a great idea!!

The reason I am posting is that I want to be sure about which category I should submit my website to, as I am aware that the editors have a lot of sites to review, and I don't want to waste anyones time.

My website is about general life in France and moving to France in general. It is written with Englisg speaking people in mind, and I share my experiences of life in France as an english person. I have also included information on wines and recipes, as well as a forum.

I thought that I should submit it to Regional/France, but then, I thought that it's more to do with travel and lifestyle in a way. I'm a bit confused, as the categories don't seem very clear, and even though I tried looking at the sort of websites in the different categories, they seemed to be a bit mixed.

My website address is http://www.lifeinfrance.free.fr/. I also wondered if the fact that I am using a free hosting service and don't have my own domain would affect the eventual chance of my website being listed in the directory.

I would appreciate any responses or advice you may have,

Keep up the good work



Apr 1, 2002
The Regional tree is for all kinds of sites which are related to a specific place/country/region.

I see you submitted your site to Regional/Europe/France/Society_and_Culture/Expatriate_Life in February. That does indeed look like the best category for it - congrats for submitting appropriately! /images/icons/smile.gif There are only three unreviewed sites in that category, but the closest listed editors are in Regional/Europe/France/, which has over 4000 unrevieweds waiting. /images/icons/frown.gif

Can we entice you into applying as an editor?


Thanks Hildea for your reply. i'm glad that I posted to the correct category!

I have thought about becoming an editor, and once I took the time to fill out the form, but there was an error when sending it. As I was working at the time, I didn't really have time to chase it up, but now I am out of work and becoming an editor would be interesting.

If I did aply to become an editor, would I have any constraints at all...? I am currently unemployed so I have some time on my hands, but I don't know for how long... I would in any case like to become one, and fell that I could dedicate an hour or so everyday. I think that I will go and fill out the form now!

Thanks again!



Apr 1, 2002
Great! /images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif

Quoting from http://dmoz.org/help/become.html :

"Is there a time commitment for editors?

There is no time requirement. We appreciate any time you can commit to improving and developing the directory."

Good luck with both editor application and getting a new job!



I have tried filling out my application form now five times!!!!! Everytime I try and submit it, it says that there is a problem with my form and asks me to fill out all the fields!!! This is what happened last time I tried to apply a couple of months ago! All my fields are filled out and I can't see where I've gone wrong! Do you know who I could send it to by e-mail? /images/icons/frown.gif

Kind Regards,



Apr 1, 2002
Not cool /images/icons/frown.gif I tested the editor application form myself, and got an error message too. I've posted a bug notice in the internal ODP forum. Let's hope it gets resolved soon!

I'll post here as soon as I know more about the problem.

<added>Actually, I'll post in the "Becoming an editor" thread about this problem when I know more.</added>

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