Which category?


Jul 16, 2007
I've been running a diet site for a while now that has actually become one of the top ranked diet/weight loss/top 10 diet websites in the Google serps (so i must be doing something right...

...my question is, which category should i submit to?

Ultimately http://www.dmoz.org/Health/Weight_Loss/ looks the most suitable however i've always been dubious about not submitting to a deep enough category.

Can anyone suggest anywhere deeper to go? The site is essentially is a resource about specific generic well know weight loss diets.

Your suggestions please...


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
If you're selling those weight loss programs, then Shopping/Health/Weight_Loss/Programs would be the right place. If it's an informational site, then you've already identified what appears to be the right category.


Jul 16, 2007
Thanks - no the site is not selling anything in any shape or form - literally just an information website...

Will go and submit to that category.



Jul 16, 2007
Best place for an Acai berry website?

I've put together a quality, <keywords> website designed to impartially review <keywords>... the question is:

Which is the best category to submit my website to?

I've found the following category, however can anyone suggest a more specific category that would be better suited??? <keywords> isn't just about weight loss, its also about detoxing the body... could this be a better category??

My site is <URL deleted> as is aimed the UK market (99% of visitors are from the UK).

I also have a German version of the site - <URL deleted> - does DMOZ accept German written content sites? And if so, again where is the best place to submit my German <keywords> review site???

Would appreciate anybodies feedback on the most appropriate category for either my English or German language site.

Thanks in advance!


Apr 5, 2004
I merged your threads, as the subject of the previous thread applies to your latest post too.
We do not answer questions about specific sites, but you are welcome to suggest your site to whichever category seems the best fit. The category descriptions will help you, as will a look at the other sites listed there.

When a volunteer reviews your suggestion (and of course there is no time frame for that) they will move it to the correct category if necessary. That's what editors do. :)

does DMOZ accept German written content sites
Well yes. There are already half a million of them listed under http://www.dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/ ;)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Just a general comment about multi lingual websites:

It can be listed within each language (assuming that the translations were done by humans). If they're organised conventionally, such websites have language selectors on the home page and perhaps other pages too. We can then list the same root URL in each language. This makes for clarity.

We aren't so keen on websites that have a different domain name for each language. One of my pet hates is websites that are arrogant enough to automatically select the language for me, presumably based on my IP, and give me no option to change it.


Sep 11, 2009
jimnoble said:
Just a general comment about multi lingual websites:

It can be listed within each language (assuming that the translations were done by humans). If they're organised conventionally, such websites have language selectors on the home page and perhaps other pages too. We can then list the same root URL in each language. This makes for clarity.

I have not been able to find public guidelines for people with multi-lingual websites, so just for clarification; can you tell me if this is an internal guideline for editors or do I have to hope that the particular editor who will handle my url submission see things the same way as you do?

I want to be up front about the situation with the editor receiving my submission, so can I write a note to the editor under 'Site Description' or will everything over the official 25-30 word limit be cut of when I press submit?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The editors' guidelines are public -- in particular, see http://www.dmoz.org/guidelines/site-specific.html#multi-lingual on multilingual sites.

The submittal policy says not to suggest a site to more than one category. There are two or three exceptions generally recognized by editors--one of them is multilingual sites.

The facts and principles underlying this general understanding are simple:

1) The purpose of suggestions is to help editors.
2) The purpose of limiting suggestions is to prevent useless mass submittals
3) An editor can review a site in his own language and determine whether it warrants additional listings--but many editors AREN'T multilingual, and very very few are polymaths. Chances are, some OTHER editor is going to have to handle the other languages on the site.

So--one suggestion for each language doesn't open the door to useless mass submittals, and it helps editors.

When you look at it this way, the submittal policies virtually write themselves. And, whether written or unwritten in the policies, the editors will thank you for suggesting a site in all the languages for which it has significant unique content in the native idiom.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
so can I write a note to the editor under 'Site Description' or will everything over the official 25-30 word limit be cut of when I press submit?
You can always add a brief note if you feel it will be useful. We often end up rewriting the descriptions in any case...


Sep 11, 2009
Thank you for the clear answers; that is good news - at least for me since I am not on a mission to spam dmoz :)

Have a nice weekend!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Well, not everyone knows they're spamming, because they don't know when to stop. The policy is there to give people suggesting their own site a clear line that's not dependent on their own judgment. Some people don't need that: most, in the first rush of enthusiasm of a self-serving venture, do.


Jul 16, 2007
Just to clarify, they are two different sites (on different domains), the English site and a properly translated (by a real human) german version of the site on a .de domain. Both cover the same content however both sites are individual entities.

I presume my German site will be reviewed by a German speaking editor??? Incidently this response relates to my more recent thread about a new pair of sites which has nothing to do with my originally site (despite being in a similar niche).

Needless to say, i was hoping on some input on the most appropriate category, however based on the editing i'll need to go with my gut i suppose - always felt that being as specific as possible would aid getting my submission approved in the long run... ok i am a DMOZ submit and hope kinda guy, however theres nothing wrong with trying to do it right and aid the respective editors job!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Whether they're on the same domain or different domains doesn't really matter: although of course we'd prefer them on the same domain, the directory wouldn't be much use if we didn't list the URLs the website administrator actually published.

Yes, the German site will be reviewed by a German-speaking editor, and the English site by an English-speaking editor.

"new pair of sites which has nothing to do with my originally site (despite being in a similar niche)"

That's not clarity. That's just nonsense. Two sites from the same person on nearly the same subject are "VERY-strongly-related" sites.

The submittal policy says DON'T suggest related sites, let alone very-strongly-related sites. Just suggest one of them (one per Language).

Common sense says Cross-link the sites. But we don't enforce common sense, we just enforce the submittal policy.


Jul 16, 2007
hutcheson said:
That's not clarity. That's just nonsense. Two sites from the same person on nearly the same subject are "VERY-strongly-related" sites.

The submittal policy says DON'T suggest related sites, let alone very-strongly-related sites. Just suggest one of them (one per Language).

Sorry to clarify, some time ago some time ago i started a thread for my diet website - generic diet reviews, health blog etc etc

This was merged into my very recent thread about two new sites which are microniche in nature - a English and German version of the site.

Needless to say the old site and the new two sites are completely different despite being in the same niche - needless to say the good moderation of reference links and keywords (although required to reduce spammers no doubt) mean't that the first thread and its content has been muddled in with the new more recent thread.

Ho hum! Anyways, i've submitted my new english site however am unable to find a suitable section for it within the German section due to the site not being a specific German product and more accurately being written for the direct benefit of the German reader. So should i submit my German site to an English category?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Never submit an X-language site to a Y-language category.

Suggest to the most appropriate X-language category, even if the category is less specific than the site.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.