Who is the editor for Housecleaning and stains?



I am very upset. My website, http://www.mold-help.org is about toxic mold and indoor air quality. For some reason, someone (at Google) has put this website under the category of housecleaning and stains. I have written and written to have my category changed. No one cares. This has been going on for 2 years. Is there anyone out there who knows the editor of housecleaning and stains so we can be REMOVED from this category? PLEASE?????


Nov 6, 2002
Re: Who is the editor for Housecleaning and stains

Wrong forum, but I do understand your upset since it's in a wrong category too. It looks from our records as if the site was submitted to a whole bunch of wrong categories a couple of years ago, and got listed in one of them. Is it too late for you to have harsh words with the serp perp who did this to you?

I'm going to move the listing to http://dmoz.org/Home/Consumer_Information/Home_and_Family/Safety/ . Please don't expect immediate results from Google. We aren't them, they just use our data, and they update it when they please. It could be months, or it could be sooner.

I'm also going to ask that this thread be moved to our submissions forum . I hope whoever moves it either leaves a note here or sends you a message.
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