wholesalestyles.com (was:Submission Status Please)



Hello, I submitted our site wholesalestyles.com a while ago and have also sought feedback with no response. The site was submitted to Business: Consumer_Goods_and_Services: Clothing: Wholesale_and_Distribution
Please can an editor review my submission. Many thanks! WholesaleStyles


Re: wholesalestyles.com (was:Submission Status Ple

It is my first time posting. Thanks for the advice. But what do you mean by correct threat title?

Re: wholesalestyles.com (was:Submission Status Ple

What kctipton probably meant is that it would have been nice to read http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=3025 before posting. Well formatted requests make work easier for us.

I can't find your site in the queue, and it hasn't been touched by an editor so far. Are you sure this is the category you submitted to?

Anyway, please read http://dmoz.org/Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Clothing/Wholesale_and_Distribution/desc.html to check if this is really the best category for your site, as you also offer online Shopping. A misplaced submission may considerably delay the listing of your site. Thanks.
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