Why Are Affiliate Sites Not Accepted


Apr 23, 2005
Please forgive me if this question is answered some place in details, but upon searching I have not been able to find an answer that isn't related to a specific site.

Can you please tell me why DMOZ doesn't accept affilate sites? I would think that any site that offers either valuable information or products would be welcome.

Thanks for your assistance, and again I appologize if this is spelled out somewhere and I was unable to find it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Unique information IS what we think of as "value".

And, from either supply-side or demand-side, that definition HAS to be right: because information, once available on the internet, can be copied at negligable cost, the copies by definition can, at best, have negligable value.

There are several other reasonable models of "value": showing that analysis works out the same for any of them is an exercise left to the student.

But we didn't analyze it. We just experienced vstore vspam, and amazon spamazon, and spamavon and hotelnow.spam.spam.spam, and all the others: thousands of examples DAILY for YEARS.

It's something I wouldn't do to my worst enemy, let alone the surfers I'm trying to help. And anyone with the same experience will come to the same conclusion.


Jun 15, 2003
DMOZ's goal is to list unique information. Sites that are purely affiliates rarely meet DMOZ's guidelines foe inclusion.

Howver, all is not lost.

There are hundreds of DMOZ clones (including the Google Directory). They are bound by DMOZ's licensing conditions, but that does not preclude them listing additional sites which would not be included in DMOZ itself.

So no reason why an enterprising enterpreneur should not set up such a clone and fill it with affiliate sites.

If that makes it more valuable than the bare DMOZ dircetory, then the crowds of surfers will flock to it. Everyone wins.


Aug 2, 2002
There are some things better done via other routes. For the directory to be useful people drill down through our categories until they reach the one for the keyword they might search on. There they can drill down further by a secondary keyword, until they reach a list of sites that meet what they are looking for. Most of the time we will present them with a list of 10 to 80 sites, each one of them different (we hope). Of course you do get some areas, such as web designers which is still a very fragmented industry of individuals and small companies each offering something different and you get into the tens of thousands, but those are exceptions.

If we were to accept affiliates then across whole expanses of commercial categories we would be offering the surfer not 80 but 8000 sites, but still only 80 variations. Isn't that what Google and other search engines do? Isn't it the reason why for many, search engines are next to useless, why hundreds of millions of whatever your currency is spent on SEO. What editors share and are passionate about with regard to DMOZ is that we do everything about face - SEO means nothing to us, we don't use robots to list everything including your granny's shopping list, we are interested in only the best sites in terms of high quality original content, something everyone can do but few feel the inclination to do, and our decisions are based on value to surfers not how much money has been spent. The end result is a resource of genuine value to the web surfer, who don't have to wade through piles of irrelevant results and duplicates as they would in a search engine.

So affiliate sites - market them through search engines and affiliate exchanges. Sites that are genuinely unique but are partially funded by discrete affiliate advertising are fine by us but not those with affiliation as the concept. One day, I suspect, the likes of Google will work out an effective method of eliminating affiliate sites from their search results and that route will be closed too. It can't come too soon.


Apr 23, 2005
spectregunner said:
Why use the affiliate when you can use the original?

This one I can answer easily. Affiliates are able to set their own prices in most cases so they create competition which ends up benefiting the consumer. :)


Apr 23, 2005
Thanks everyone for the information - it is much appreciated!! It has given be a better understanding of what DMOZ does and wants to do.
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