why are you guys deleteing url

The best

Nov 26, 2006
Few time while reading posts, here in the forum, I thought that i'd like to have the url of the site, for my own interest. although I understand that some site can be porno or like them, I think the url need to be publish, helping people get in touch between them. don't you?

The best

Nov 26, 2006
Sorry but I cannt see your point

I think that it will increase the forum members as well the number of programers that will be happy to assist. realy can't see your point.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
We're not looking to increase the number of members whose primary reason for posting is to have their URLs posted. And we're not looking for programmers to assist in anything so I'm not sure what you're getting at. Perhaps you've mistaken the purpose of this site?

We don't offer site-specific reviews or critiques here so there are very few instances where posting the URL is appropriate. And we don't appreciate link-dropping for the sake of link-dropping. So, we tend to remove all unnecessary links.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I can understand your curiosity: I'm curious sometimes also. But the rules don't keep people from giving out this information: they just describe the courteous way of doing it.

The "User CP" includes a way to show your home page to anyone else who is interested.

The best

Nov 26, 2006
dmoz is open directory?

let me see I f get this right: dmoz is open directory? the forum is for exchange ideas? getting help if necessary? suggesting answers from other members? if yes , as it is now it look more as a business with tuff management not like a open site for all.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You're way behind the curve here. Check out the "about the ODP" link at http://dmoz.org/about.html for information about what how the Directory is "Open" -- that includes an abstract statement of basic principles as well as the practical working out of them in the guidelines for ODP contributors. Then check out this Forum's analogous mission and guidelines at http://www.resource-zone.com/guidelines.php .

If their purposes don't intersect with yours, there are now 99,999,998 other websites that may suit you better.

The best

Nov 26, 2006
I hope you take it "Academic discussion" as I do

from the: http://dmoz.org/about.html
The Definitive Catalog of the Web
paragraf 2

"The Open Directory was founded in the spirit of the Open Source movement, and is the only major directory that is 100% free. There is not, nor will there ever be, a cost to submit a site to the directory, and/or to use the directory's data. The Open Directory data is made available for free to anyone who agrees to comply with our free use license."

I may not read it all, and may made some mistakes re understanding the idea , but I do believe that I have got the spirit. on one thing you can be sure: I have no intention of twisting ideas, and if by any chance I have mishap- I sincerely apology . I really see it as academic discation, nothing more


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Ah, the ODP isn't particularly "academic". We're very practical-oriented. We try things, stop doing the things that don't work, and tell people about the things that do work.

For example, we tried giving site status reports here. Some editors thought that was a good idea, others disagreed. Result: the people who thought it was a good idea tried it out. But after thousands of reports, we recognized that it didn't "work" -- so we stopped.

Again, like many forum moderators, we have found that website links in forums all-too-often cause trouble, so we have been more careful to remove them if there is any doubt at all.

Constantly, in both the directory and this forum, there are discussions about how things might be done better, small experiments with new ways of doing things, and new consensuses about things that we should avoid because they aren't working.

Most of that, we can't really discuss. We can give a general idea of the sort of experiences that led us to think this process worked or didn't work.

There's not much of a place for academic discussion. Things we have tried, we KNOW whether they work or not, any other opinions on the matter are merely uninformed speculation at best. Things we haven't tried, we'd first discuss in our internal forums (which have far more editors participating, and fewer people without a stake in the mission.)

The best

Nov 26, 2006
Thank for your answers

thank for your clear answers and let me tell you: I admire your patient, I dont know if I could be so patient :)
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