Why DMOZ is cloaking my page rank listing...

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
Obviously, I am a concerned webmaster and website owner.

My website was hacked three times in a short period. The reason I even found this place is because I saw that the "Resource-Zone" was listed as one of the search engines that visited my website several times during the first time it was hacked.

Now please hear me out Mr. Motsa and all admins.

I originally stated that it was a competitor that had hacked my site. Somebody from here told me, "that was highly unlikely!" Remember that I contacted you and told you that I wanted to speak with someone in administration because somebody had published the first forum discussion that I engaged with here, exactly where my site search engine keyword was placed.

Obviously, you said, "enough is Enough!"

I have been doing a little research and I have found out that my website listings have been cloaked with that forum discussion, "My site was removed-Resource-Zone." I found at least ten listings on both aol and google where that forum discussion come up when typing in my different search engine keywords.

Please hear me out Mr. Motsa and all admins.

Somebody has even went as far as to manipulate my google analytic account with regards to the content words. Somebody has put in some kind of code saying that my content has changed on my website, but it's the same content that I have had for several months. My content was updated on July 27, 2008 today, but googlebot has not indexed my page since June 16, 2008.

You say that this forum has nothing to do with what's going on with my case, but somebody had cloaked all of my search engine keywords with that forum thread that's posted before you told me not to post anything on this site.

Why is this cloaking being permitted and does anybody care about it?

Please listen to me Mr. Motsa and all admins.

Mosta, I don't know who are why somebody there has intentionally ruined my business, but I am not happy. This little sneak attack that somebody has engauged against me has cost my business thousands of dollars in lost revenue.

Obviously, this has a lot to do with this forum because somebody who is affiliated with this forum has sabatoged my website business. I don't know if it's because of a competitor tie or what, but it has hurt my business.

Instead of trying to block me off this site, being an administrator, I would hope that you would try to give me some answers and try to find out who is trying to destroy my business.

Somebody has gone through great legths in order to sabatoge my business. I also thought that this forum was just for members.

With that in mind, please take that cloaked forum thread off of my keyword search data for page listing. Please take my name off of that page for it is sensitive information and not for generalized publishing.

I used my name because it was a closed forum between members, not a public forum.

My website business was already being sabatoged before I was told not to post here! I am willing to let this all stay right here if you decide to do the right thing.

I don't care who done it or for what reason, I just want to get on with my business.

Your in the Administration Motsa, etc.

I am quit sure that you can find out who has been cloaking all of my website search engine keyword page listings with that thread, "My site was removed."

Please help me to put a hault to all of this madness. I really don't want to take this any further. I now you can block me from this site but can you honestly tell yourself that it was for the good of the OPD.

Mr. Billy Earley (Do not publish identity without my explicit permission)


forward this page to admins for consideration of investigative purposes.


Mar 15, 2004
As was said in the other thread - the postings on this forum are showing up because you mentioned your keywords many many times during your conversation. Google crawls this forum, which is public for the most part, the same way it crawls all public sites and returns results accordingly.

Also as has been said ODP/DMOZ have nothing to do with Google or what it does, nor do we have any influence with them. They simply use our database to seed their directory (which is totally different than their search engine) like many other sites.

As to whether you have someone actively trying to undermine your business is more than I could say, but the appearances of your previous thread in your search results is nothing nefarious - just the way most search engines work. If you want things removed from Google's search results for your site you'll have to talk to Google for as I said - we have no control over what they do.

BTW, It's not usually a considered appropos to start a new thread on the same topic under a different psuedonym. Also, I'm not an administrator, either on this forum or within ODP. Just an editor and occasional PITA :D

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
I don't know if I am reading you correctly

Are you telling me that I mentioned a key word here and that's why all of my page listings have been cloaked with that thread?

I can see if I downloaded my site here, but I have mentioned a lot of words, I don't see them appearing where the other sites are. Besides, google doesn't publish information, the information has to be published to a server.

So my thing is this? It's no coincidence that somebody has cloacked all of my search engine keywords, even the ones that was not mentioned on this site and in anywhere in this forum?

Do you expect me to believe that google crawled this site and for some reason, decided to investigate and search all of the number one page listings that I had and then just cloak all of them!

I don't think anybody in their right mind would agree with that answer! If that was the case, everybody here with websites would have all of their sites cloaked as well! This is would be hard to prove to even the most suttle intillence.

I am sorry for contacting you Collimchus, I thought you were admins.


Jan 23, 2003
As a retired editor I can tell you that, in addition to clearly violating forum policies by starting a new thread on the same topic after being explicitly told not to, you are clearly not acting in your own best interests.

Case in point -- you publish your full name in a public posting and then in parenthesis tell (us?) not to tell anyone. Guess what Billy, you just told the entire universe your full name. Within minutes or hours of that post, it was searchable. You are posting in a public forum that anyone on the planet with a computer can read.

The ODP is a directory. It lists websites. That is all it does. It doesn't cloak, hide, hack, or do any of the other things you are accusing it of.

Editors visit websites, and describe them, usually in 50 words or less. That is all they do. That is all that any editor working for any directory does. They catalog websites. Some people collect stamps. Some collect coins. Others build family genealogies. Directory editors build big honking lists of website. They don't mess up your website any more than a genealogist digs up grave sites looking for Aunt Bertha.

So I have a most gentle suggestion for you: go visit some webmaster forums, and get unbiased opinions from them -- then we'll see if you are big enough to come back and apologize to the nice editors.

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
Perhaps I am not the greatest editor?

Tell me in your own words, spec...

Do you think that all of my page listings should cloaked because I am on this site talking to you!

Obviously, I don't have to go to any other forum because this forum appears to be cloaking my site. What's the use of having a webpage and page listing if somebody cloaks it?

I can tell you right now Spec..., I still have all the number one page listings on Yahoo. With that in mind, What makes you think that every page listing that I was listed with on google and aol has been cloaked because I contacted this site.

If that was the case, This site should inform the participants that there websites could be cloaked if they talk or mention anywords on this site. You speak of "For the better of my business!"

Somebody here has cloaked all of my page listings, specifically, all of my page listings, and you say, "For the good of my business?"

I have not heared one person say, "Wow, that's amazing that you have over 50 documented front page listings for your website and then it was hacked and cloaked!"

Let's not forget why I am here!

I am here because DMOZ has cloaked all of my page rank positions and my google content has been tampered with all of a sudden!

My business has lost thousands of dollars and my google account is being sabatoged by somebody. Can you tell me, why have DMOZ cloaked all of my search engine pages on the internet?

Or better yet, have you heared of anybody getting their keywords all cloaked because they came hear for help! I came to this site for help. I think a lot of people come here for help.

If anybody thought that they would get their site cloaked, I don't think this forum would be very big.

Thank you Spec...

I am not here to break any rules, I would like somebody to seriously try an understand what is really happening here at DMOZ.


Jan 23, 2003
Nothing is happening at DMOZ.

You are absolutely, totally confused.

No one at DMOZ has the power to cloak your site.

This is a simple discussion forum based on the same software that thousands of other forums are based on. Neither the forum software nor the forum administrators can cloak anything.

You are sadly mistaken or seriously confused. Perhaps a little of both, because what you are claiming makes absolutely no sense.

There have been tens of thousands of postings on this forums by thousands upon thousands of webmasters. Some nice, some not-so-nice. Nothing has happened to any of them. The worst thing that can happen is that if they are particularly nasty is they get banned from further participation. And they have to work really, really hard to have that happen.

Or you are trolling.

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
Is this a simple forum?


It may sound like I am confused, but you have not given me any insight as to how the first forum that I posted here "My Website was Removed" suddenly took the place of all of my search engine keywords on google and aol.

Not just one or two keywords, but all of the search engine keywords that ranked on google and aol. You guys have nothing to do with this but its your forum page that is cloaking my page listings.

Somebody knows something about what's going on. My search engine keywords and placement has been replaced with this cloaked thread from DMOZ.

I am going to be taking to a lot of people regarding this cloaking of my keywords and hidding my website URL from the general public. In all cases I will be contacting google and aol for any explanations.

Obviously, this is an inside job and I need to find out who is doing it and how can I stop it! I am going to show you what has happened as a result of my coming to this website:

Number-One Page Ranked Search Engine Keyword = My Site Was Removed

Obviously this is called cloaking. This is a violation of internet rules. I am the victim hear, not DMOZ. I am not going to post anything here again, because I need to go up the chain and find out who has cloaked my pages.

Thanks for your concern(s), Spec...

I may come here just to look around, but I have nothing else to say on this level field.


May 15, 2008
If a forum post has knocked your site off, then you really need to look at your seo. All search engines will index this forum and use words within as keywords, it just so happens that Google and AOL have done this indexing while your post was on the front page. This is not malicious or delibrite, just bad timing. There is no-one to blame here and you need to do some research has to how the internet works before you wade in here accusing people without having a shread of proof.

All of the admins here are volunteers who give up their time to help with this forum, please remember that before you bad mouth them :mad:

Your issues are not related with dmoz but with Google, go and talk to them and see how far you get


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Creating multiple user accounts here is against our T&C. I've merged your two accounts together.

In your other thread, motsa said
Please DO NOT start up a new thread to talk about your site or SEO.
I'm at a loss to understand why you not only did so, but created a new account to do it. You also ignored my signature and sent me some long PMs which (as promised) I've deleted unread.

You also made off topic posts in other threads - subsequently deleted.

All of the above are extremely discourteous. I'm sure you wouldn't behave that way in your local environment so please don't do it here.

As livebait pointed out in his entirely correct post above, you are in serious need of some education about how search engines spider the internet and rank websites. This isn't the place to get it but we've already told you where it's available.

DO NOT create further accounts here.
DO NOT start similar threads here.
DO NOT make off topic posts in other threads.

...and just for the crawlers - purple pickle pockets :).
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.