Why do I get no response?


Curlie Editor
Sep 8, 2011
Over a number of years now, I have attempted to get sites listed on DMOZ, but without results.

I've read the requirements, followed the procedures, but nothing. It has been incredibly frustrating.

A couple of times I've applied to become an editor. I followed the application process, but got no response. I'm not saying I was rejected, I got no response at all.

I was quite upfront in my application to be an editor, explaining that I wanted to be able to get my sites listed, but also that I would be fair and impartial in helping others get listed as well.

I consider myself to be a good fit for an editor position. I have an excellent grasp of the English language, am very objective, and have the time and capability to do a good job. I cannot fathom why I have had absolutely zero response in the past.

There are certainly a lot of people who believe that DMOZ is overrun by corrupt editors, who simply will not allow anyone else in. There are many reports of editors trying to extort money from site owners to get a listing on DMOZ.

But despite all that, I thought I might give it one more go.

I'd just like some reassurance that I will at least get a response this time - even if it is "NO".

If I apply for an editor position, and hear nothing back, what is the best way to escalate the issue?

Thanks for your time.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
A response is send for every application to become an editor.
If you did not receive those responses there are two options
1) you did not reply to the initial email - without the requested conformation your application will never be seen by editors
2) your email provider or application did mark the responsed as spam and did not deliver them to you (make sure that all email from dmoz.org are accepted)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
what is the best way to escalate the issue?
When your application is more than 14 days old, you can bump this thread with a status enquiry. Be sure to first read the sticky Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING thread above.



Curlie Editor
Sep 8, 2011
Okay, so it's been a month now, and as with my previous attempt I got no response at all.

I checked my spam folder, and nothing there.

I think I applied for this area...

But there are a couple of similar categories, and it was a month ago, so I'm not 100% sure.

I also think that for the editor application I had to choose a different user name - "briggles".

From what I've read I should get some sort of response, but is it automated, or does it rely on an editor to trigger a response in some way?

I find it pretty bewildering that I get no response at all.

Any help would be appreciated.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Your application of 8th September is awaiting evaluation by a volunteer meta editor with K&T permissions. I can't trace any earlier applications with the same real name.



Curlie Editor
Sep 8, 2011
Thanks for looking into it Jim.

From GMail's archive I was able to find that my previous application was 15th February.

Can't be sure if it was for that same category though. As I said before there are a couple of similar ones, so not sure which one I picked last time.

Where to from here though? Given that it's now October, and I never heard anything after applying in February, I'm not overly confident of a result.

I appreciate that Editors are volunteers, but what happens if an editor becomes inactive? Is there a system in place so that dormant editor accounts get retired?

I think it's perfectly understandable that people's priorities and availability can change over time, but I think it's fair to say that if an editor has not made any contribution in some time then it simply makes sense to move them aside so that someone (like myself), who is currently keen and ready to do the work, can step up.

Thanks again for your help. Any further advice on this matter would be appreciated.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Where to from here though? Given that it's now October, and I never heard anything after applying in February, I'm not overly confident of a result.
As I just said, 'I can't trace any earlier applications with the same real name'. If you can't provide any details of any earlier applications, we won't be able to find them.

Whatever, an editor is only permitted a single account here so your current September one is the only one worth discussing.

if an editor has not made any contribution in some time then it simply makes sense to move them aside so that someone (like myself), who is currently keen and ready to do the work, can step up.
Editors who do no work for 120 days are timed out. Also, we have lots of categories with several editors.


Curlie Editor
Sep 8, 2011
Okay. Thanks for the clarification. I'm glad to hear that editors who go dormant are "timed out".

I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Sorry to have taken up so much of your time, but I have one last question - How long should I wait now before bumping this thread again?


Curlie Editor
Sep 8, 2011
I've waited two more weeks, and I think that's long enough.

I suspect that in another two weeks from now, still nothing will have happened.

I'm over waiting. As noted previously, I originally applied in February, and never got a response in 7 months.

I've tried to be polite, but frankly it is just all too apparent that DMOZ is exactly what so many people claim - corrupt and ineffectual.

I'm sure there are a small number of honest, hardworking editors, but they are clearly in the minority.

Open your eyes, and take a look around, there are many categories that have not been updated in months, some in years, and yet when someone applies to be an editor, they get stonewalled.

Does DMOZ have any form of oversight? If so it's time someone stepped up and cleaned house.


Curlie Editor
Sep 8, 2011
Well this is awkward. Just a few hours after my little rant, I received confirmation that I am now an editor.

I don't know if it's coincidence, or that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease", but I am going to do my utmost to make sure that the category I maintain will be well looked after.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Congratulations. To avoid confusion and in accord with this forum's policy, I've changed your login name here to be the same as your editor name. Your password is unchanged.

I don't know if it's coincidence
Probably. Very few meta editors ever come here and so those with K&T permissions would be unlikely to have seen your complaints.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.