Why is listing so important,


Feb 22, 2007
Heard a lot about dmoz over the last year or so so i did the deed and tried to listed (twelve months and still waiting;(> ) Anyway as in the time I have been waiting I have managed to get a decent enough PR and keyword rankings is there anty point in me persuing the dmoz listing issue.

I guess what I'm saying is what does it offer.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We don't particularly offer website owners anything. We're merely trying to provide our surfers and downstream data users with a decent collection of categorised websites.

That doesn't mean that we want to catalogue every website, just enough that the searcher will be satisfied with the result :) .


Nov 7, 2006
I guess what I'm saying is what does it offer.

Not bein a computer/SEO/webmaster geek myself, that's a pretty good question.

I've always believed that if you have something really unique, interesting, and helpful to a web surfer, they'll eventually find it, and word will get around on it's own. Those are the kind of sites we're looking for, and that is our value.

For everybody else, they absolutely need the help of a paid professional to get them noticed, because their content is pretty run of the mill, cookie cutter type information that hundreds of other sites also have, and it becomes a stampede to see who can get listed in the first ten spots on a search. (their survival depends on it)

Those paid professionals know that, and greatly desire having their clientele listed in the Directory, to give themselves more credibility with their clients.

Kind of silly, when you think about it, thousands of sites battling to be in the first ten spots, and paying the SEOs through the nose to do it for them. How can that be realistic? Not everybody can be first in line.

In any case, that's not something we concern ourselves with in the ODP or this forum, as we have different goals, and that ain't one of em, :D .


Nov 14, 2006


You make a good point about what the ODP has to offer you in terms of how well your site will perform in searches, and let's be honest, we are all talking about google searches.

You probably know that if a page highly page-ranked in google links to your site then that in turn improves your google ranking....well...the ODP is highly ranked by google.

Also, google occassionally crawls the ODP directory to supplement the content of its own directory. Some people reckon this improves your page ranking too but I'm not so sure.

In terms of what the ODP can offer........it has a certain amount of cudos. It is respected because it is human built. Sites are added only after being scrutinized by editors so there is a feeling that you can "trust" its content more than crawler based search engines.
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