Why is my listedsite not on the ODP search engine?


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
We get asked this question a lot, so it's probably worth answering it "once and for all".

There are a few reasons why it happens, so here are most of them:

1. The search engine doesn't search the directory, rather it searches a database of sites which is grabbed from the directory at regular intervals (usually once or twice a week). So if the database was updated on a Tuesday and your site was added to the directory on a Wednesday, you would have to wait for the next update before it appeared in searches.

2. The engine only searches the title, description and URL that is stored in the directory. It ignores meta tags such as Description and Keywords, and doesn't do a text search on the body text of the site. Nor does it index the deeplinks, unless they happen to have their own directory listings. ( The BBC has a number of deeplinks due to it vast range of mini-sites which are indexed, for example).

3. To go on point 2, that means it searches our desciption, not yours. If the description you submitted was not up to our standards and was changed, then tough luck, I'm afraid.

Hopefully this will clear some things up for you. I may add some more points should anything more come up.
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