Why is my site not listed?


Apr 19, 2007
For the past three years i have been trying to crack the secret behind the listing of sites in ODP but all in vain. Our site is an IQ & Personality test site.
I suggested our site for this category:
Science>Social Sciences> Psychology> Intelligence> IQ Tests
I submitted the site when we started off and waited for a year and nothing happened. Again ..submitted and still am waiting....in the meantime..Many new sites have been added..but my site has been totally ignored :( and I am not bragging our IQ test as well as the site is far better than some if not all the other sites listed there. I just wanted a better explanation of your reasoning of just ignoring our listing. Its really frustrating as well as depressing!!


Nov 7, 2006
The most likely reason probably has nothing to do with your site suggestion itself, but, the fact that it is a very small category among many, many categories, and there may not be that many volunteer editors who have an interest in working in that part of the Directory. :)

Another possible reason could be that perhaps a site doesn't add any value to a category, because it doesn't have any unique content that is different from sites that are currently listed. (that would be something you would have to fix yourself, by adding something no other IQ test site has, and making it prominent)

Our goal isn't to list every site that is available on a topic, but, to only list sites that have unique content. So, that's the secret. :)

If I were you, I think I would examine the other sites in that category and compare not the quality of information (which is subjective), but the uniqueness of the content on those sites compared to the unique content your own site suggestion has.

I would also advise you to submit your site suggestion one more time, after your evaluation, as some site suggestions were lost in our recent crash. Best of luck, :) .

Added - Gee, I hope your not hinting that some of us might benefit by taking an IQ & Personality test , :).


Apr 19, 2007

Thanks a lot for the explanation. I will definitely resubmit the site and keep my fingers crossed..and yes let me first check out the unique content provided by the other sites..to get a better idea as to how unique can I make my site to stand out from the crowd. :)


Nov 7, 2006
As someone who knows nothing about these tests and speaking from a web surfers view and not as an editor, some of the things I might want to know are:

Exactly what are these tests, what is their purpose?
How can I benefit from taking them?
How can I interpret the results?
What about privacy?
How do your tests/site differ from others?
How do I judge the legitimacy/accuracy of such tests?
What are your credentials for offering such tests? and/or interpreting them?

As an editor, I would ask myself what does this site have that currently listed sites don't have?
Would this benefit a web surfer looking at this particular topic?
Would this site add value to this category?

I don't edit in this part of the Directory, so I'm completely unfamiliar with it, and have never even visited it to look at it. This is only my opinion.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.