Why my regional category is neglected?


Nov 18, 2008

I am from a small town Sivasagar in North-East India.
I have built a complete website on this small beautiful town just to expose to the outside world. It's purely non-commercial and I have no intention towards monetary gain from this website. But unfortunately I am not able to list it in the most apporpriate category Regional: Asia: India: Assam: Districts: Sivasagar. I submitted my site more than 1.5 years ago for the first time and for the second time few months ago(I think I am not violating the rule of multiple submission as the gap of submission is more than a year). In the second submission, I was very much careful to read each and every submission policies and instructions. But it's not listed yet.

There are 23 districts in my state and for each district has an official website created by the state government. Strangely all other districts except mine has the official website listed in their categories. Few months back I personally tried to list the official website of my district too. But it is also not getting listed yet. I just want to list my small town in the web world, but somehow it's not happening and I feel sad when I see my category blank.

Finally couple of months back I thought of becoming editor of my category. But I got rejections twice from ODP. Both the times the rejection mail gives me the explanation as 'Some spelling errors'. I am not sure, if I am that bad in English or if my category is neglected. Or the editors of my category don't want to list anything for 'Sivasagar'.

I can point out some of the sites in the category of my 'state' that consist of mere two or three pages, no important content, but still listed in Dmoz. Then why my site or the whole category is not listed?

Expecting a good suggestion from you.

Thanks and Regards,


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> I am not able to list it
Technically that is correct. You are not able to list a website, only editors can list websites. You can only suggest a website for editors to look at.

> I submitted my site more than 1.5 years ago for the first time and for the
> second time few months ago
Thanks. Somewhen in the future an editor will look at the website. No need to suggest it anymore.

> Few months back I personally tried to list the official website of my district
> too. But it is also not getting listed yet.
I suspect you mean you have suggested the website. The same applies here. An editor will look at the suggestion somewhen in the future.

> I just want to list my small town in the web world,
By creating your website you have already done so, DMOZ is certainly not the only way to let people know a website is available.

> Finally couple of months back I thought of becoming editor of my category. > But I got rejections twice from ODP. Both the times the rejection mail gives
> me the explanation as 'Some spelling errors'. I am not sure, if I am that bad
> in English
The mail you received will have a list of possible reasons. One or more of these reasons will be true for your application. Finding out which these where and correcting them is part of the application process.

> or if my category is neglected. Or the editors of my category don't want to > list anything for 'Sivasagar'.
Most probably no editor has looked at the suggestion yet.

> I can point out some of the sites in the category of my 'state' that consist
> of mere two or three pages, no important content, but still listed in Dmoz.
> Then why my site or the whole category is not listed?
The fact that site A is listed has totaly no effect in the process of reviewing and listing site B (as long as site A and B are not related)

> Expecting a good suggestion from you.
Be patient.
Don't put to high expectations on the value of a DMOZ listing.
Make your website known using other directories, search engines and what else you can find.
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