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Jun 4, 2008
When i was in the 6th grade my teacher gave us a pop quiz on current events of that year ,every one in the class was nervous about the test. my teacher told us we would have ten minutes to complete the test and who would finish first would be rewarded.. there where 20 questions on the test. all the questions where very easy to answer so every one in the class felt good about there grade. The next day the papers where graded and 90 percent of the students failed the test .... every one got all the questions wright ... so how did we all fail?

AT the bottom of the test there was a paragraph that said do not answer any of these questions just sign your name at the top and you will get a 100% on your test...

To make a long story short !! READ BEFORE YOU WRIGHT... be thorough and patient and good things may happen...
Hopefully i can follow my own advice
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