why my site not index


New Member
Jan 12, 2016
hello all members my site is <removed per forum terms of service> . i submit my site three time and right way but why my site not index by dmoz i need ur suggestion thx
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New Member
Feb 17, 2016
hello all members my site is <removed per forum terms of service> . i submit my site three time and right way but why my site not index by dmoz i need ur suggestion thx
Because DMOZ is worst directory ever built when it comes listing policy,if you try to submit your site without having editor intrvention you'll wait probably few years thus there is good chance your site will not be listed ever ,I succeed to list few clients sites in less than 6 motnhs but it happen in one of few category where editors are very active...thing is...there is bunch of editors who will review and approve sites only if you are willing to fo some sort of sponsoring and we all know this but no one want to say.Just go and browse through some category than save pages and came back in 3-4 months..You'll see many of them are updated just once and only 2-3 sites are added....and all of that in very popular category (english language).I'm not say everyone is like that but thing is honest editors can't work their regular job and work for this group in same time....add to this group of editors who are not active and you will get your answer....that is why sometime and in some category sites are approved in few weeks and some in few years.It is time DMOZ deal with this problem but seems problem goes already to deep and I'm not optimistic anything will be better soon,but I will still support this project in any way I can...I'm keeping banners on few of my sites for more than 3 years and many webmasters do same....Maybe DMOZ should think about some ways to make more income..for example advertising through these banners we already have on our websites...I can bet this is huge network and I wouldn't have any problem allowing DMOZ to sell ads and rotate it...I spoke with many webmasters and they say same...for nothing in return.At this way DMOZ can pay some professional staff to speed up proces and maybe do some internal review..just toughts


Curlie Meta
Aug 19, 2003
Dmoz is not intended to be an advertising forum for webmasters nor a SEO utility. Dmoz is for users. As for paid staff and pay for inclusion that is the antithesis of dmoz, Yahoo used to try that approach and you can compare their directory with dmoz...


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
To add that editors who attempt to extort any form of remuneration in return for preferential treatment of sites are acting against the principles of the directory and will fall foul of our conflict of interest guidelines. We certainly appreciate but don't require a banner on a site; it will make no difference whatsoever as to if or when a site gets reviewed, nor the result. :2cents:


Mar 18, 2015
dont submit in it it waste site it will not accept at any time i submitted many times but no use,,,,
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Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
A site is to be suggested only one single time. If suggestions are made after that one time, the site owner risks being labelled a spammer.


New Member
Mar 17, 2016
No worries, I've been submitting sites to DMOZ for like 3 years now, not a single one got reviewed - My newest one was submitted about 1 month ago so still early in the process but really, just submit your site one time, then forget about it... If you have a good website, no need to list it in Dmoz, really, I don't know anyone that looks up websites in web directories lol


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
@crvlad We don't offer a guarantee that all sites will be listed, that's just not possible. But we hold suggestions until an editor reviews them; the time it takes, noted everywhere on this forum is not predictable. It ranges from negative numbers (sites listed before being suggested or even launched if their content permits) to several years (principally in heavily spammed areas of the directory).
What you can do to help is to take a little time researching the best category for your site(s), and suggest it/them with a guideline compliant title and description. Editors aren't forced to use a first-in first-out reviewing order, and being human their gaze can be attracted by suggestions that stand out.
If you have some spare time and would like an interesting hobby, by all means apply to be an editor. :)


New Member
Mar 17, 2016
@Elper Actually I did apply a while ago to be an editor...cause I work from home, online, and I have the time - my application got denied :) So I guess you don't need my help at Dmoz :)


Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
Unless you were specifically told to not apply again, please consider putting in another application. Many many editors have to apply a second or even a third time, in order to 'get it right'. There are always tips included with a rejection, unless the applicant is told to not apply anymore.
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