Why oh Why?


Jan 22, 2008
I understand that you must get MANY, MANY requests to add websites. But, on my side, as a webmaster and owner of a business, it is of the MOST importance to be included in your directory in order to make a living. I do not even know if my site was refused. But I keep checking and checking and i never see my site added. I just wanted you to understand my frustration and realize that my living depends on sites like yours.


Jan 23, 2003
Your living, I might suggest, has everything to do with you building the best possible website and promoting it through every means possible. Even then there is no guarantee of success.

We do not accept -- individually or organizationally -- any responsibility (or guilt) for your livelihood and or the success or failure of your website.

Harsh? Maybe so, but so was your attempt to send us on some sort of guilt trip.

We are under absolutely no obligation to list any given website. Our only commitment is to work to try and build the best possible web directory without regards to the needs of any individual webmaster or site owner. Nor have we committed in any way, shape or form, to communicate our editing decisions to you -- so please don't try and hold us to a standard that we have not agreed to.

Now you might think that I am being harsh, or mean -- neither is the case. I am speaking as plainly and as factually as I can. If you have suggested your site to the directory since the beginning of 2007, then there is nothing for you to do and no reason for you to worry. Either we will list your site or we will not. Those are the only two outcomes. Instead of worrying about us, go find other venues to promote your site. It has been documented time and time again that a DMOZ listing is not related to the successor failure of your business. We are but one directory out of tens of thousands.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
This might maybe seem even harsher.

If your venture's success depends entirely upon the actions or inactions of an uncontrolled flock of anonymous volunteers, any business advisor or banker would tell you to rethink your business model.

If you don't believe me, ask one :).


Jan 22, 2008
As a matter of fact!

I did not mean to lay any "guilt trip" on you AT ALL! That was absolutely not my intention. I am sorry if I did not come across properly.

I also did not intend to offend you, at all! I apologize if that is the way I came across.

I was not laying blame, just trying to express the fact that the DMOZ directory is one of the premier directories on the internet and to be included is a huge tool to small websites and business people.

I will move on and find other directories that will include me and yes it would be great to be included in yours, but if not, so be it.

Have a nice day.

Jim Laughlin

The Old Sarge

Feb 3, 2006
Idaho, USA
jlockleg said:
... DMOZ directory is one of the premier directories on the internet ...

That's largely due to the strict guidelines DMOZ employs and tries very hard to enforce. :)

jlockleg said:
... and to be included is a huge tool to small websites and business people.

Other entities use the directory for their own purposes. It is not the purpose of DMOZ to be a "tool to small websites and business people." However, some of those other entities have tried to make it so.


Sep 6, 2007
The words spoken in Specte Gunners post are completely true (and Jims).

however you need to ensure you have consistency between sites and editors in all categories.

There seem to be many editors who either

1/cant spot and analayse a good website


2/have their own motives at heart

I say this from experience, because a category I am still hoping for my site to be listed in has a variety of totally useless semi spam sites that DO NOT FULFILL the DMOZ guidlines at all!!!!

Do I NEED my site listed??? NO, I still rank number one in Google and Yahoo for very competitive terms....

do I think my site deserves to be listed ....ranked against the competition?? YES :D

Will it make me any money??? NO
probably not, but thats not the point. I have spent x thousand hours on my site, and believe it is truly dmoz worthy.


Oct 29, 2006
because a category I am still hoping for my site to be listed in has a variety of totally useless semi spam sites that DO NOT FULFILL the DMOZ guidlines at all!!!!
Can I suggest that you point out any such sites in the http://www.resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showforum=12 forum (in the top thread), along with which sections of the guidelines they fail to meet.

We try to keep spam sites out of the directory, but sites that are spam to one person are not spam to another, sites change over time (may become listable or unlistable), the unique content bar is higher in each category over time as the comparison is to the information already listed there (what just met the minimum listing standards 5 years ago will probably fail them now). Anyone, editors or not, can point out problems with a listing using the 'update listing' link in the category the site is listed within, or using the thread mentioned earlier.

You (or anyone else reading this) can also use the 'report abuse' link if you have information that shows an editor is not treating all sites equally, and within the guidelines, but please don't use it for 'my site hasn't been listed, it must be abuse' type reports.
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