Why only one application at a time?


Jan 19, 2006
Having in mind somewhat slow approval of editorial status wouldn't it make sense to allow multiple applications in few categories?

I am passionatte about video games on personal level following steps of my thirteen year old son, and have applied to one of the categories for kids.

On a professional level I am highly involved with coatings (high performance paints) for years and would like to share good resources. My submission for category with no editors at all was rejected right away as I had pending application in another category. I will most likely not apply again if it takes weeks and months to evaluate my submissions.

Just a thought.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Having in mind somewhat slow approval of editorial status wouldn't it make sense to allow multiple applications in few categories?
No, it wouldn't. You're only allowed one editor account. So it makes sense to only allow one application at a time.

I will most likely not apply again if it takes weeks and months to evaluate my submissions.
If it's already been more than 2 weeks since you made the application that is pending, feel free to post in our Becoming an Editor thread and we can check up on the status of it for you (make sure you read and follow the "Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING" thread first).
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