why removed???


Jun 13, 2008
Hello dear editors

I have noticed today that my internet site <URL removed> has been suddenly removed from the directories in dmoz.

It has unique content we produce ourselves, it has been listed for very many years, regularly updated and it is not a replica of any other internet site

Who did it? There already had been such a situation several years ago, when one particular editor did it playing for his own profit. I hope it not the case again

Please, clarify.

Thank you for help.

Best regards
Sergey Polianichevski


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
We can only give global reasons why a site might be deleted. You probably know enough about your sites to determine what happened for your site.

1) One of our tools could not visit your site and removed it from public view for one of the editors to check what caused the problem. These tools check a site twice, the site is only removed if the problem still exists at the second check (normaly one week after the first check). If the editor sees that the problem was solved he will put it back in public view. When that will happen we don't know.
2) An editor noticed the site doesn't exist anymore and removed the site.
3) The site is not listable according to current guidelines. Either the site has changed or the guidelines have changed.
4) The site has been moved to another category as it fits the subject better. It is now waiting for review in the new category.
5) The site was never listable but due to a human mistake was listed, we now noticed and removed it.


Jun 13, 2008
<URL removed - again>

Thanks, but we all know it is not the answer. None of the mentioned applies to my site.

I noticed also that by some interesting co-incidence my other two sites also disappeared. Host worked and works stable; sites were listed for very many years and were included by a decision of Meta Editors.

I think there may be a very simple exlanation: a direct competitor became an editor and removed it for his profit. It already happened back in 2002 or 2003. At that time a very simple investigation showed what was standing beyound all these "please select yourself the reason you like most :)" explanations.

But thank you anyway - at least I see now what to do.


pvgool said:
We can only give global reasons why a site might be deleted. You probably know enough about your sites to determine what happened for your site.

1) One of our tools could not visit your site and removed it from public view for one of the editors to check what caused the problem. These tools check a site twice, the site is only removed if the problem still exists at the second check (normaly one week after the first check). If the editor sees that the problem was solved he will put it back in public view. When that will happen we don't know.
2) An editor noticed the site doesn't exist anymore and removed the site.
3) The site is not listable according to current guidelines. Either the site has changed or the guidelines have changed.
4) The site has been moved to another category as it fits the subject better. It is now waiting for review in the new category.
5) The site was never listable but due to a human mistake was listed, we now noticed and removed it.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
If you suspect abuse (and preferable have proof of this abuse) please use the option on DMOZ to report that abuse.
I am 99.99% sure it was not abuse but one of the reasons I provided.
Do your sites for instance block spiders. It might be that our tool can not reach the sites while humans still can. I have seen several sites with wrongly programmed robots.txt that block many SE spiders.


Jun 13, 2008
Thank You for the reply, PvGool,

No, my files robots.txt all consist of only one line, which allows full-scale indexing for all the search engines.

In 2003 or 2004, when the particular editor played unfair, we did get the proof of that abuse. That time we did exactly what You now propose addressing to the very top and quickly restored the links to our site <url removed> in dmoz.org.

Never the less, now I do not want to say anything against anyone without trying to understand the situation fully first. I told my name and I directly mentioned my site's URL. Maybe, if You or another person kindly told me the reason for the removal, and if it is within the 99,99% mentioned (I know for sure people who respond the threads here can do it :)), I could easily correct the technical issue to the pleasure of all the sides.

Thank You for Your help.

Kind regards

Sergey Polianichevski

pvgool said:
If you suspect abuse (and preferable have proof of this abuse) please use the option on DMOZ to report that abuse.
I am 99.99% sure it was not abuse but one of the reasons I provided.
Do your sites for instance block spiders. It might be that our tool can not reach the sites while humans still can. I have seen several sites with wrongly programmed robots.txt that block many SE spiders.


Jun 11, 2008
sergeypol said:
Thank You for the reply, PvGool,

No, my files robots.txt all consist of only one line, which allows full-scale indexing for all the search engines.

In 2003 or 2004, when the particular editor played unfair, we did get the proof of that abuse. That time we did exactly what You now propose addressing to the very top and quickly restored the links to our site partnervermittlung.ru in dmoz.org.

Never the less, now I do not want to say anything against anyone without trying to understand the situation fully first. I told my name and I directly mentioned my site's URL. Maybe, if You or another person kindly told me the reason for the removal, and if it is within the 99,99% mentioned (I know for sure people who respond the threads here can do it :)), I could easily correct the technical issue to the pleasure of all the sides.

Thank You for Your help.

Kind regards

Sergey Polianichevski
I agree. If DMOZ worked an open system of feedback - say similiar in context to the review system that is used in EBay then the public and other editors would be able to rate editorial decisions as being fair or otherwise.

Instead, the whole process is clouded in mystery by the editors and the lack of controls on this group of volunteers allows them to misuse and abuse the powers entrusted to them.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I know for sure people who respond the threads here can do it
Yes, we could if the guidelines of R-Z didn't prevent us from going into details about specific sites. That is also the reason why your urls have been removed.


Jun 13, 2008
It is funny - You remove the name of my Internet site from posts, and yet anyone can see it by "compare versions" links. Removing the url thus is an empty work.

Without the intention to hurt or offend anyone I want to ask: what is the use of this forum then, if even the very simple questions remain unanswered? Are there any resource where one can find such answers?

Any assistance is appreciated.

pvgool said:
Yes, we could if the guidelines of R-Z didn't prevent us from going into details about specific sites. That is also the reason why your urls have been removed.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
It is funny - You remove the name of my Internet site from posts, and yet anyone can see it by "compare versions" links. Removing the url thus is an empty work.
Actually, the only people who can see the post history are the original poster and forum moderators, which is how it should be.

Simple questions are answered. pvgool gave you an answer to your general question earlier. But we don't discuss specific sites here.


Jun 13, 2008
Thanks for the comments everyone

Because all the internet sites disappeared simultaneously, maybe, it really was a misfortune with server's availability. Does there exist any way I can follow to have the sites to reappear in Dmoz now faster? Does it make sense to write messages to editors? The subfolders were my sites were do not have their own editors. Do I have then to write to the upper-level editors?

Thanks for Your time.

Kind regards
Sergey Polianichevski

motsa said:
Actually, the only people who can see the post history are the original poster and forum moderators, which is how it should be.

Simple questions are answered. pvgool gave you an answer to your general question earlier. But we don't discuss specific sites here.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
When our robots remove dysfunctional websites from the published directory, they put them in a pool for re-evaluation by a human editor. They show up prominently from the crowd and most editors will give them priority when they are working in that area.

There is no way to expedite this process. Editors are volunteers and work as they wish within their permissions. Contacting editors directly is unlikely to make any difference.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.