Why so long on updates?



Hello all, I am new to this forum and to DMOZ.

I've been trying to correct a horribly outdated and poorly placed DMOZ listing for a client for 2 months now with no response, not update. I'll not reference the site nor category as I don't want to be seen as attacking the editors for this category. By the same token, it is frustrating waiting for the update.

How long should one wait for a suggested update to be made? How hard should one push the editors to make updates and changes?


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Jun 9, 2010
[Right here]
How long should one wait for a suggested update to be made?

All editors are volunteers so it is impossible to say it will take X amount of time. Generally though, update requests are dealt with fairly quickly. Please note that there is no assurance that your update request will be approved. If an editor determines that the current placement, title and description are suitable, the update request will be rejected.

How hard should one push the editors to make updates and changes?
No pushing is required or warranted, since editors are volunteers, we appreciate any edits that are made and our only requirement is that an editor make an edit every 4 months to keep their account active. Since you've submitted an update request there is nothing more you need to do. It's best to forget about DMOZ now and look for other means of promoting your clients site.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Update requests show up prominently and are generally processed pretty quickly except in some World categories. Regional has fewer than 10 pending ones at the moment for example and I expect they'll be processed by the end of the day.

However, processed isn't the same as accepted. Update requests that attempt to replace guidelines compliant titles and descriptions with hyped or keyword stuffed ones are generally declined and a complete waste of everybody's time. Similarly, unsuitable move requests are also declined.

Editors are advised not communicate with the requester when declining an update request because the ensuing conversations end unpleasantly all too often. There have even been threats of violence and acts of stalking.
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