Why us honest folks have to wait so long for a review


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
That's the ugly face of the web, but there are thousands just like him. Ignore him unless you can rat him out -- life is too short to waste on focus on people who aspirations don't even extend so high as to to forming delusions of adequacy.
Mar 8, 2005
hutcheson said:
That's the ugly face of the web, but there are thousands just like him. Ignore him unless you can rat him out -- life is too short to waste on focus on people who aspirations don't even extend so high as to to forming delusions of adequacy.
I try not to let dopes like that get to me, and usually I don't. It's just that the guy was so brazen about it that really chapped my backside. My own personal disgust aside, I thought I'd post that link here for others to see who seem to think that there is no excuse for site reviews taking so long. As you say, without a doubt there are thousands of others like him spamming the hell out of the ODP making life tough for the editors and honest submitters.
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