Why wasn't my site submitted anywhere?


May 12, 2004
I submitted my site: www.uslaws.info over 3 months ago thru dmoz but it was never listed anywhere. On the dmoz site where you submit, it instructs users to goto this site instead of resubmitting. I am puzzled because I do not see any info as to why my site was never submitted. My url address which I own is uslaws.info, however, the address is linked to a free tripod space address which stores my website. Could this be a reason? If so, this would be unfair to require my site be listed as the tripod address as I own the .info name. Other directories(i.e. yahoo) have listed my uslaws.info address with no problem.

Please anyone, can you give me any infor concerning a possible reason causing my dmoz listing to not be made?


Feb 28, 2002
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