Wikipedia RSS feeds for every topic


Sep 23, 2005

I was hoping to receive some guidance. I've noticed a growing number of RSS feeds being placed into DMOZ. I've spent the last few months putting together a RSS Feed for each Wikipedia Topic under an open license. The feed works for every single Wikipedia topic so this means there are hundreds of thousands of higly targeted RSS feeds now available from Wikipedia.

Please let me know the best way to notify the ODP Editors about these Wikipedia feeds...

Here are some notes about the feed:
  • All feeds include attribution back to wikipedia and the GNU comment so please do not use the feed without providing wikipedia proper attribution etc...
  • The code developed to produce the feed is freely available. Contact me if interested in hosting your own version.
  • The feed is free of advertisements in keeping with the wikipedia/ open content theme.
  • The feed is hosted at BlinkBits and cached to prevent runtime queries of Wikipedia... these make the Wikipedia Servers very happy.
  • The latest version validates for all feeds but some topics could use a little "display work" We'd love to improve upon this even more so let me know if you are interested in helping out.

  • Url format:
  • Example:



Sep 23, 2005
Wikipedia RSS Value

Hello Jimnoble,

Thanks for the quick reply...

There are no plans to alter the Wikipedia content... it is amazing what they have put together. After the ODP it is 2nd most succesfull project of its kind.

The value we are adding is as follows:
- Making only the top and real topics available. We filter out all spam wikipedias, all blank or redirected topics, all topics without substance ie without x amount of characters in the title or the body.
- Allow you to get updates whenever a topic is changed.
- Making the content available via RSS so people can add to their readers and or their site easily.
- Making the content available even when Wikipedia servers are down or slow.

That's off the top of my head... I am sure a few more will pop into my head once i send this... Any thoughts?



Mar 25, 2002
We have an internal project right now that is looking into ideas of whether and how to provide better cross-linking between Wikipedia and the ODP - I will forward the link to this thread on to the project team.

Thanks for your input!


Sep 23, 2005
ODP/ Wikipedia Mesh

As a huge fan and heavy user of both I've been thinking along the same lines... Here's a very simple but I think fantastic idea that would allow people to get the background on a topic and then link to more information...

Basically create a Wiki/ODP Mesh
The left 2/3 body of the page which will display Wikipedia Content. The link to "edit' body will link back to wikipedia. This works brilliantly b/c once the change is made the RSS feed will automatically pull the changes and update the content.

The right 1/3 can include the DMOZ Directory Results for the Topic.

Let me know if this is something the team is interested in. If so I could provide the feed plus help produce the mesh.


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
Such a mesh is one possible application that could be made of a Wikipedia/ODP map, yes.
And yes, we are definitely interested in ideas how to produce a mapping and what to do with it. You´ve got mail :)
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