Wikipedia RSS Feeds in DMOZ


Sep 23, 2005
Hello Everyone,

I was hoping to receive some guidance. I've noticed a growing number of RSS feeds being placed into DMOZ Directory. I've spent the last few months putting together a RSS Feed for each Wikipedia Topic under an open content license. The feed works for every single Wikipedia topic so this means there are hundreds of thousands of higly targeted RSS feeds now available from Wikipedia.

Please let me know the best way to add these Wikipedia feeds for the Wikipedia Community.

Here are some notes about the feed:
* All feeds include attribution back to wikipedia and all the licensing links.
* The code developed to produce the feed is freely available.
* The feed is free of advertisements in keeping with the wikipedia/ open content theme.
* The feed is hosted at BlinkBits and cached to prevent runtime queries of Wikipedia... these make the Wikipedia Servers very happy.

Url format:

Wikipedia: Blinklmc
PS. I am still learning about the dmoz boards so I originally posted this into site submission but I think that was the wrong place b/c I only received 2 replies.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Please keep the discussion to that original thread rather than starting a new one because the original one didn't get the response you were hoping for. Alucard's post in that thread pretty much says everything that can be said on the subject -- if anything comes of the internal discussion, I'm sure you'll know about it. As with many things, internal discussions like that can take a long time. In the meantime, I would avoid submitting the feeds.
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