Will be listed within 3 days unless you pay some? a joke?


Jul 21, 2010
Hi Editors:

I suggested my sites many many times...should i pay some, then you can list my Website within 3 days??
or wait another 10 years?

My Website is about the <url removed> CZ jewelry and <url removed> CZ Diamond stones, it's very clean not porn website....
<url removed>


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I suggested my sites many many times
There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.
...should i pay some, then you can list my Website within 3 days??
We have zero tolerance for people who try to bribe editors. Don't ask about it, don't try it and don't even joke about it..


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Let me be quite clear, because there should be no misunderstanding about this: If you pay somebody for listing your site, it is considered a bribe, and it will result in your site being banned and the editor who accepted the bribe will be removed. Please do not attempt to pay anybody for listing the site. Some SEO companies accept money for suggesting the site for review - this is a bit absurd, especially since many of them do a very bad job, but if somebody wants to pay for somebody else to do what they could have done themselves for free, it is none of our business. It is when an editor is paid for actually adding the site to the directory that the site is permanently stopped from being listed.

If you have suggested your sites many times, you are doing yourself a disservice if you suggest them again. In almost every case, there is never any need for more than one site suggestion. Site suggestions do not disappear until they have been reviewed by an editor. Once you have suggested your site to the one most relevant category, there is nothing more you can do as far as DMOZ is concerned, so you are better served by forgetting about DMOZ and concentrating on marketing your website elsewhere.

[Quite clear, perhaps, but also quite slow. Jim was as clear, but faster...]
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