Will DMOZ view this setup as an affiliate site? If so, can it be helped?


Jan 26, 2005
My brother is starting his own PPC Campaign Mgmt business - http://www.rankagent.com He plans to advertise his site only through PPC SE ads, therefore he has no intention to ever submit the site to a single search engine or directory. He'll have no online presence beyond the PPC ads.

This is where I come in. I tend to be more comprehensive in my approach to things, and cannot fathom not submitting the site to the search engines. So, esstentially I have stepped in to do everything involved in the online presence of his site, excluding his own PPC campaign.

To isolate the traffic my efforts produce, I decided I needed - b/c it seemed like the only feasible way - to create a mirror of his site with my contact information. Currently, it sits here: http://www.rankagent.com/ppc.html

As I consider a range of issues and struggle up the learning curve on a variety of topics, I'm wondering how search engines and directories, particularly DMOZ, are going to consider my site. I've read the guidelines and the forums and haven't found a clear answer to my particular circumstances:

Understandablely, directories, for the most part, want a business to be listed only once and thus abhor mirror/affiliate sites. I'm wondering if my circumstances are different, since the root level/main domain site will never be submitted to the directories and hopefully will never be anywhere for that matter. (The main domain will have the NO INDEX,NO FOLLOW meta tag on each page within it's structure and the two sites will have no links whatsover to eachother.)

My site will be the only site representing the business online (beyond the PPC ad presence,) and thus I hope directories will see fit to include it. Thus, I hope it's not considered an affiliate, but rather the business. If DMOZ will still view this arrangement as problematic, it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could suggest how to accomplish this in a diferent way. The site is still under development and I could essentially still change anything.



Aug 2, 2002
We do not list mirrors. Never, ever. We don't look at tags. Never, ever. We review sites that come to our attention in many ways, suggestions from webowners being only one of those many. If your mirror were to be submitted it would be rejected as being a mirror. The original site, if it was listable, might possibly be substituted. It might be found and listed without actually being suggested.

No, your circumstances aren't different as far as we are concerned. Can't speak for anyone else.


Jan 26, 2005
Thanks for the rapid response, oneeye. I guess I'm left with just two questions then:

-Is the root level/main domain always considered the original? Or, is there a way to consider him the mirror, if I develop an online presence first?

-Can you think of anything: design considerations, organization, etc. that might help my particular situation?

Thanks Again,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Looks like you're in a tightly closed recycling system here: marketing marketing to marketers.

Think of the ODP as existing in a parallel universe, in which marketers are only mythical creatures and marketing is a physically impossible act.


Aug 2, 2002
Marketing search engine marketing to marketers wanting to be on search engines whilst trying desperately not to be on a search engine? Sounds daft to me. Where do I send the bill for those words of wisdom? [In my parallel universe, DMOZ charges for not advising webmasters how to get around guidelines on mirrors and affiliates]


Jan 26, 2005

As I'm still in the decision-making stage of determining to what degree I am involved in his business, I'm certainly very open to opinions on the business itself. At this point, I don't view it in your recycling terms. For these services, your "marketers" must be liberally defined as every commercial entity on the web, and thus I fail to see that as a tight system.

And, marketers/marketing services on ODP don't seem all that mythical:


Like I said, I'm still at a stage where I'm taking feedback from everyone everywhere, but, at the same time, I don't want to get too distracted from the questions at hand.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Make your plans based on not getting an ODP listing -- after all, many listable sites don't get reviewed for a year or more -- and in that time we might stop listing even more forms of marketing. If a site gets an ODP listing, it would be a by-product of its informational content, not its promotional plans. (That may not fit with your plans: if so, it is no problem with us.)

If you're considering an ODP listing, make sure people know who you are and which websites are yours...to avoid an almost-automatic ban for "duplicate content."
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