Will resubmitting be the right decision for a site with renewed content?


Sep 20, 2005
Listing in ODP is really important for us. There are many rules and restrictions, so I hope not to break any rules by asking my question. I submitted http://www.winquota.com to http://dmoz.com/Computers/Software/Disk_Management/ about 4 months ago.

I have read many posts from those who haven't been listed and the editor’s answers, but there are still some questions. Being in uncertainty if the site was reviewed I would like to know if I should submit the resource for the second time. The site is dedicated to the product our company supplies (disk quota management on Windows servers). The matter is that the new version of the product was released and the site content has been expanded and changed greatly since that time. In the case the site is still waiting for review, resubmitting, as I understood, will cause losing its position in the queue, but in the other hand, if it just has been missed, it should be submitted again... What would you advice to do in this situation?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Suggesting the site once again to the same category won't do much harm.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.