Will we know if...


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You are (reasonably enough) thinking of the submittal as the core of the editing process. But it is not, not at all.

What is central is editor site review. An editor may look at dozens of search engine results (or URLs culled from printed sources, or from link pages on other websites), to pick out one or two sites worth a closer look. And an editor may look at dozens of sites, whether they ever happen to have been submitted or not, when deciding what listings to add to a category.

THAT'S the center of the process. And -- for everything EXCEPT site submittals -- the editor may "reject" (that is, not consider for a listing) for any reason (such as "I want to do something else right now") or even arbitrarily.

For a site submittal, the submittal might be "rejected" (that is, not chosen to be considered for a listing, or even reviewed and not listed) many many times -- every time without any prejudice whatsoever. And (this cannot be emphasized too often) there is no way on earth I'm going to communicate to each one of a half-million submitters that "I either didn't look at your site today, or I looked at it today but couldn't figure out whether or where to list it"! That would be absolutely insane!

But THAT is the center of the editing process.

Now, but by ODP policies, a site submittal ought not to be DELETED until someone has reviewed the site and determined that it's either already listed, or ought not to be listed ANYWHERE.

And in THOSE cases, there is no purpose or point or vantage to the directory, in informing anyone. It was spam, we whacked it, we're going on to look for some useful site.

In fact, there's a very good reason not to tell the spammer. Because -- you remember that cartoon "what you say to your dog VS what your dog hears"? However we communicate the message, the spammer always hears it the same way.

"Dear spammer, we have determined that your last spam was spam. Please spam us again as soon as possible."

And that's not what we want to hear. At least one editor looked at the site; nobody wanted to list it anywhere; at least one editor determined that nobody would be likely to list it anywhere. And, so far as submittals go, that's the end of it. We don't WANT it submitted again.

Now, that DOESN'T mean that site won't be looked at ever again. It may still be reviewed, or at least considered for review, many times. It may show up in Google searches, link lists, magazine ads, business cards, tradesmen's truck side panels, etc....

But it DOES mean everyone will be better off if it's not submitted again.

And the only reason anyone has ever given us for wanting to know when a site was rejected is ... so they would know when to submit it again!

Well, we can tell anyone that now. Whether a site has been rejected or not, please don't submit it again -- unless it has been many months since the last submittal, AND significant content, available nowhere else on the net, has been added to it.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.