Would I be wasting my time


Mar 31, 2005
I was told a few years ago that my site http://www.aogiftshop.com could not be added to DMOZ because I have some products from a particular distributor on the site. Since then we have opened a brick and mortor store and we now carry many other items which are our own unique exclusive items that cannot be purchased anywhere else. Would this now qualify? I just submitted it to the regional area again thinking that maybe they would realized many of the items are one of a kind and also in an actual retail store.



Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
I was told a few years ago that my site http://www.aogiftshop.com could not be added to DMOZ because I have some products from a particular distributor on the site.

The question to ask yourself is, does that site have significant unique content? Ultimately, an editor will re-review the site if you resubmit and decide at that time whether or not there is significant unique content. No one here is able to tell you ahead of time what that assessment would be. If you feel it should be re-evaluated, please resubmit.

I just submitted it to the regional area again thinking that maybe they would realized many of the items are one of a kind and also in an actual retail store.

I was curious and looked for a reference to a brick and mortar and the closest I found was a dead link: http://www.aogiftshop.com/metamoraindiana.htm


Since then we have opened a brick and mortor store and we now carry many other items which are our own unique exclusive items that cannot be purchased anywhere else. Would this now qualify?
In Regional the physical location, not what products are offered, is the more important thing, although the sheer weight of non unique/physical items can count against a listing. It very much depends on what an editor can find when doing a review.

If your site has information about the store, it's location, opening hours, maybe photos, the assumption is that you have physical products for sale to a walk in customer (gonna be hard to drop ship to someone standing in front of you :) ), and therefore is of interest both to people looking for information about what is in a community, and of some interest to those that live within the community (employment, purchase of goods, sales of advertising, asking for sponsorship of local little league, things like that).

However that information needs to be on the site when it is reviewed. (I have only quickly glanced at the contact and front pages)



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Some people seem to think that "significant unique content" means "somewhere in the 3,000 Vklitch.spam or allposters.spam drop-ship items there's Aunt Sadie's Elderberry Jam which nobody else sells on the internet, at least for human consumption."

Tain't so.

An editor has the right (and, really, the obligation to other REAL stores) to spot-check: and it is your responsibility to make SURE the first three items spot-checked AREN'T all something the editor recognizes.)

Is this harsh? No: this is being kind to the surfer, who would have had the same experience of deja-vu.spam.com all over again. And that is all that matters. Absolutely all.

So: are you wasting your time? Do you HAVE unique products? are you willing to make them easy for people to find, and admit that the rest of the vklitch isn't anything you produce or provide or service?

We can't tell you that. We know some people get absolutely furious when we tell them we know which drop-shipper's services they are advertising. Their whole marketing plan is built on deception and concealment, nothing else. And some people admit it, but are incapable of doing anything else. Their career is built on rocking the boat and charging the rowers for bailing services. And ... some people really had a unique good or service, but didn't think of it as important -- or designed their website so badly that we couldn't see they thought it was important. These we can help, sometimes -- not always. Sometimes the value others see in you is too far from your own self-image.

Is it worth while? What's your time worth? And in what kind of coin?

It's a good question. It's not one we can answer for you.


Mar 31, 2005
Thank Your for your responses

Thank you for your responses. You provided more info than I expected and I have made some changes to my site so people can get more info about our store. Hopefully the reviewer will find it as unique but if not, we'll at least I can say I tried.
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