would like some independent site feedback and thoughts

May 8, 2004
Retracted by Poster!

I was up until the weeeeeeeeee hours and well....I read the posting rules and am definitely retracting this post.

05-08-2004 11:32 AM
donaldb This probably isn't the best place to be having this discussion. There are a lot of forums out there that allow people to talk about web site feedback, but this isn't really one of those forums. We talk about ODP issues here

Donaldb you are absolutely right!

Thank you however for your input hutchenson. I had some problems yesterday up-loading pages myself to the site and am concerned about my hosting agency. I know they just changed to apache(spelling?) and servers about two weekish ago, but definitely something to be concerned with.
Hutchenson, I will definitely rethink my use of graphics and java on the site. Unfortunately, i'm not that versed with this stuff, so I'll have to get me some input on cleaning that up for mozilla users. Was terrific feedback, and I know it was a courtesy on your part. I definitely appreciate it, and I will address it this next week!

I will take up the site feedback in the appropriate forum. :eek:) (gonna go click on that webmaster linky someone was kind enough ;) to give)

I do appreciate however, all of your imput and I certainly should have waited until I got some sleep from all the "web slaving" I was crunching yesterday! hehehe :eek:)

Have a great Saturday and Sunday!

Warmest Regards,
the DPASolutions Specialist!


Apr 15, 2004
Personaly, I think that site could be very usefull to a lot of people. When I first saw your domain however, I was woried to see another "try to sell stuff that is a rip off site" again. Your site has a lot of good content, and tools...and if fact I can't even find any affiliate ads or any thing (you do need to make money you know...don't go over board with it however...then people get mad ;) ). So, if I were the editor most likely I would accpet you.

I would also like to suggest that DMOZ consider adding a comments section to submittals so that they have an opportunity to find out what the webmaster feels makes the site uniquely qualified for submission. Information is always a valuable tool in decisions.

They won't :( Maybe if we ask 500 times a day they will...LOL...just kidding.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Here's a free review.

"Operation timed out trying to connect" three times running.

NOT quite ready for prime time.

We have already given some advice, even so some might think that advice was so obvious it shouldn't have HAD to be given, even to the room-temperature-IQ fringe:

"Create the site, and get it working before submitting it."

Sorry, if you couldn't figure that out on your own, and couldn't even get it from what we've already written, we write you off as basically intractable.


Apr 15, 2004
What browser are you using. That site loaded quite fast for me (especialy considering it wasen't a graphic based site) and I am on Dial Up. Maybe his server is down...time outs arn't ususaly because of the Webmaster, but more of the server...at least from my experinces.

P.S. I just tried to view the site again and it loaded quite fast with no problems...mmm

Oh my gosh...it loaded realy fast in internet explorer...but in Mozzila it is loading incredibly slow...now that is strange...usualy things are a little master in Mozzila...still I diden't get any time out errors...

Maybe you have some spyware...oh well.

EDIT: You know...Dmoz realy needs more editors...I can tell they are getting realy stressed...or they just need a better system.


Mar 25, 2002
This probably isn't the best place to be having this discussion. There are a lot of forums out there that allow people to talk about web site feedback, but this isn't really one of those forums. We talk about ODP issues here {moz}


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No spyware -- using Mozilla, remember? and a "Classical Music" editor is not Kazaa's primary demographic target.

It might be the other way around -- I do have a firewall, and it does stop pretty much anything but Mozilla. Is the site doing something slimy on the backchannel? Or something treacherous along the lines of poison-pill Java? (actually, I haven't had a problem with the latter in some time; Microsoft was pretty good at getting people to use their stupid little Java applets that were designed to kill Netscape 3, but with Mozilla that hasn't been an issue.)

I also block some of the major popup adservers at the domain name resolution level, but I haven't seen that cause problems with a primary site -- again, Mozilla will show you the content as it comes in.


Mar 15, 2004
Site loads fine here using both Mozilla and IE. I noticed yesterday that I was having trouble reaching some sites that I can normally reach, and other folks could get to them fine so maybe yesterday was 'one of those days' on the net.

As for your site; it seems to have soem intereting content. All you can do though is submit it via the "add url" for the appropriate category and then it is up to the editor(s) handling the category.

Good luck with your site.


Apr 15, 2004
I can't wait till the Internet is perfect and we don't have these problems lol.

P.S. I too am running a Firewall, and i have a pop-up blocker ;)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Follow-up: the site has javascript to do some truly obscene graphics preloading. Apparently after the fourth time or so, enough of the graphics had been cached to have a running shot at the real page. And after that, other pages weren't anything like as slow to load -- although they were slow to finish up due to some of the most grotesque gratuitous graphics I've seen in a while.

"Overall", Mozilla runs rings around the IE. However, Microsoft has attempted to hide much of that by hooking the IE deep into the OS, so that it gets scheduling priority like no other application has (or no competently-designed windows applications needs.) So it kneecaps other apps on the machine to feed its incredible need for machine cycles. (I wonder if this isn't one of the single biggest factors in the massive resource-hog bloat over recent MS-Windows releases.)

Anyway. This looks good, until you open TWO IE windows -- and they start kneecapping each other. Better have four processors -- two to do the work, and two to do the interprocess backstabbing, or performance will swirl right down the drain. But all that is really an aside.

Mozilla and the IE appear, on a single window on a fast machine, to be about the same speed. But they have very different instantiation sequences, and so some things (back arrow button) are alive earlier in the process on the IE, and other things (hyperlinks on the page) are alive MUCH earlier in Mozilla. And they have different threading sequences, so in the presence of, e.g., Javascript, the sequencing differences are more pronounced. And this pathological page shows an interesting perspective on the Mozilla threading model. I'm going to have to clear cache and play with it some more.
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