Would really appreicate your adivice re my site submission


Jun 7, 2007
Hi Editors, my web developer submitted my site to DMOZ around 8 months ago. I realise it can take some time to be reviewed but I'm not sure my colleague has done a particularly good job of submitting us! I know you are busy guys but if you could answer the following questions I would really appreciate it. Are you able to tell me if my site has been reviewed and if so has it been declined? Should I consider resubmitting the site? My site offer broadband news, blog, reviews and price comparison: <Sigh - URL removed> any help you can give would be great!


May 13, 2007
Rich-P said:
I realise it can take some time to be reviewed
Yes, it can take years in some cases.

Rich-P said:
Are you able to tell me if my site has been reviewed and if so has it been declined?
No, sorry but we are not able to give you that information. this announcement explains why.

Rich-P said:
Should I consider resubmitting the site?
You need only submit your site once to the most relevant category. However, if your site was submitted before the server crash a while ago then you may submit your site one additional time only in case your listing was lost in the crash.

I should probably point out as well that we ask that you not refer to specific URLs in these forums. It might be a good idea for you to go and re-read the posting guidlines.


Jun 10, 2007
Submitted mine almost a year ago - hi wing!

Hello wing, hows things in Harrogate? I'm originally from Middlesbrough - miss the Harrogate flower show!

I submitted my site coming up a year ago, think just before the crash, so I re-submitted early this year when things settled down.
Am I going to have to wait years now for the site to be included :(?
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.