Wrong category submission?



In July 2003 I opened a site http://www.showroomtoday.com and submitted it to the category http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Automotive/Employment/Job_Search/ which is the category it would be relevant to. My site also has plenty of unique content.
When I first opened my site I was submitting to other sites and I didn't realize they were using the Dmoz directory and I think I may have had multiple submissions due to this oversite.
Now, I find that I have been rejected for the category and I was wondering if the editor would have placed it in the appropriate category if it was an acceptable site for Dmoz but in another category? I am also wondering if my erroneous submission as a newbie through other sites using Dmoz could have been my downfall and my site is now blackballed? :cool:


Mar 26, 2002
You are not blackballed but I would not resubmit your site until it has more content.


Do you mean I need more ads in the employment area?
I have as many of them if not more than the sites presently listed in the jobs category and I have other content such as 20 articles regarding training, daily news feeds and 20 pages of resume building instructioanl help which the other sites do not.
I am not being argumentative I am just looking for clarification from someone more experienced at this than myself.
I did submit to the http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Automotive/Education_and_Training/Salesmanship/ a day or so ago in hopes that my site would be recognized their. (ONLY Once LOL) :)
The one thing I just thought of that might be holding it back: The chat rooms and bulletin boards are not open yet. (by my choice, It says coming soon on each of those pages)I don't want people going to empty chat rooms or bulletin boards so I am waiting till the traffic picks up above 15,000 hits a month.


Mar 26, 2002
I am sorry but I can't go into any further detail about this matter. What I stated in my post about getting more content is just my opinion. We do look for unique content though - and like to list sites that have lots of it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Think not only how much content you have now, but (1) How much OTHER content was available when those sites were listed (i.e. uniqueness is not only about your site but about what else is out there); and (2) How much more valuable for surfers would it be if your site didn't exist at all, and all its ads were instead listed at one of the bigger sites?

The combination of those two factors means that you should expect to be rejected in the FUTURE unless you have substantially more content than the least of the CURRENT listings.

Think, rising standards. Think, you didn't get in on the ground floor and you'll have to climb the outside of the building to get to the 10th floor balcony.

Because that's reality.
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