wrong category


Dec 6, 2006
years ago i submitted my website
<URL remoed>

this was in this category
# World: Nederlands: Huis en Tuin: Interieur (1 match)
# World: Nederlands: Regionaal: België: Bedrijven en Economie: Huis en Tuin: Huis: Interieur: Keukens (1)

But since a few years we concentrate us on selling new flats in belgium... so i want to submit my site in this categories...

Top: World: Nederlands: Huis en Tuin: Woningen: Nieuwbouwprojecten
World: Nederlands: Regionaal: België: Bedrijven en Economie: Vastgoed

how can i change this... and how long does this take? and will this improve our ranking in google?


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
You need to submit an update request, by going to the category where the site is currently listed and click "bijwerken vermelding". Fill out the form, and an editor will review the update request and move the site if s/he feels that it should be listed in another category. There is some good advice in this thread.

It's impossible to tell how quickly an update request will be processed, and as far as Google is concerned we have no idea of how they work, I'm afraid.

Note that at the moment no update requests can be submitted due to the ongoing technical problems. Please see the announcement at the top of each forum where information will be posted once the problems are fixed.

Thank you.
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