Wrong description and directory


Nov 20, 2006
Hi there. I have designed a puzzle web site some years ago. The web site has only new and valuable content (my family inventions and more) for its users and was written initialy in English language to be worldwide accesible. Then shortly after, all the content was translated in my native language (Romanian) in a completely separate site as a folder (/ro/).

From the begining under 20-25% of the visitors come from Romania; now the situation is the same. The description meta of the web site (main page, of course) was and is in English and the Romanian section's description metatag is in Romanian language as it should.

My problem is that the initial ODP description was correct, in English language, but for some reason this was changed this year in Romanian language, which is wrong ... and my website is listed under regional "World: Română: Jocuri: Jocuri video" stating that the website is offering "sections for downloading GSM stuff - translated from Romanian". This is wrong!

I have a very good page rank in Google (many sites point to my site) but the traffic is decreasing. This is normal ... people avoid entering my site because they simply do not understand the description, even search engines show many of my pages on their first page.

I have tried to change that (when ODP was up and running) but seems nobody takes care. I think it will be better if not listed anymore because looks to me that Google imports description from ODP rather than from metatags when a site get listed WRONG in ODP.

I do appreciate any suggestions to correct the issue. Thanks.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If your concern is about Google, it may not be addressed here. But try googling for "NOODP".


Apr 8, 2004
Florian, you can prevent Google from using the ODP description, but I don't have the links on how. Sorry!

Hutch was faster. :)


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
A site listed in any of the categories under World/ should not have an English description. If your site is in Romanian and listed in World/Română, it should have a Romanian description. The description should of course be accurate. If the current description is wrong, please use the "modifică URL" link at the top of the category page. You will have to wait until the technical issues mentioned here are solved, however. Update requests are usually dealt with fairly quickly.

If your site is available in both English and Romanian, and people who know only one of the languages can use it fully, it may be eligible for listing in the English-language part of the directory as well -- maybe somewhere under http://dmoz.org/Games/Video_Games/Puzzle/ if it is an online puzzle website; you'll be the best judge of that.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.