WTD: Category to edit relating to mobile phones



Just a quick question for the current editors.
I've read a lot of posts about how many submissions there are backlogged.
I was wondering if there were any categories that I could apply for to be an editor relating to mobile phones to help out.
Ive tried a few times on http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Consumer_Electronics/Communications/Wireless/Accessories/
but i keep getting turned down without any reviewer comments so im assuming you don't need anyone in that category.
Are there any categories you do need editors for relating to this field that I could apply for ?



Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
You might be able to draw some information out of this thread where I just posted.

Most of those categories have a large backlog and thatfor are not given to new editors (the frustration rate in such a category is high, the amount of "damage" an abusive editor could make is very high, ...). If you want to see the fun that editing could be - start in a regional category. For example with yout hometown (or for big cites with a part of it).
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