
I submitted this URL to Open Directory at least for about a month now. However, I haven't seen it on any of the associated search engine yet. Do I get an email notification if it is rejected at all? Should I re-submit after site revision? Thanks!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I submitted this URL to Open Directory at least for about a month now. However, I haven't seen it on any of the associated search engine yet.
You wouldn't have, even if it had been listed -- technical glitch, which should be fixed Real-Soon-Now.

If you want folks here to tell you whether it's been listed, rejected, or neither, you'll need to mention which category you submitted to.

>Do I get an email notification if it is rejected at all?
It is theoretically possible, but....winning the Irish Sweepstakes is probably more likely.

>Should I re-submit after site revision?
Not unless the site has already been listed AND the listing is no longer accurate.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.